Is it just me, or do guys not have to do all this stuff to join fraternities???
Is it just me, or do guys not have to do all this stuff to join fraternities???
In Dragon Age: Origins (before they added the heart icons) I DID kind of accidentally romance Alistair because the “initiate romance” option was “You’re very special to me” or something along those lines. He WAS very special to me, we’d been through everything together!
I’m looking at budget cars and the number of “don’t buy this thing, the transmission WILL fail after 60k miles” reviews I’ve seen on the Mirage was more than enough to scare me away.
You’re definitely right, the predatory business practice aspect of this is ALSO very gross, and I have 0 doubt that Hinge (et. al) is really doing it. This article probably just should have been framed differently.
I mean I sympathize with your friend and all, but “I’ve been SHADOWBANNED because the girls the app is showing me aren’t HOT ENOUGH” is like... very gross
nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe
That first sentence was NOT the 30 Rock reference I was expecting to find in this article.
Oof. Maximum Foucault achieved.
It’s NEVER too late to work on your chicken parm sandwich review project.
Yeah, growing cute little plant guys for the express purpose of sending them out to die for me was not what I was looking for in a game as a kid.
You’re absolutely right. Even as a (former) daily OW player, the only thing that drew me into OWL was the fact that there was a team for my hometown, and then with no particular fanfare they moved it to another country.
Yeah I mean the book thing isn’t GREAT? Maybe even enough to get a less public figure fired. But compared to what we have on the conservative justices... it’s extremely nothing.
I think my favorite part of this is how at the end of this whole robotic process, they make a human guy mash the avocados up with a big stick, the part that would most easily be done by a machine.
The more things change, they more they stay the same... I feel like I lived through this exact controversy 15 years ago.
Yeah... they’re definitely sleeping together, right?
@ Blizzard
Yeah I mean, you pretty much nailed the actual phenomenon (drinks at concert venues being like 5x the cost they should be and young people literally not being able to afford them) in the article but proceeded to go for the “the generations, they are so different” explanation anyway.
I am a lover of angst and melodrama, but I remember my primary reaction to that scene being, “wtf. I hate this. obviously it’s going to be resolved because how else would they have a game. so why are they doing this”. Not really a key and emotional moment, but... to each their own I guess.
“Administrative assistant” and “executive assistant” are not necessarily the same job, and a lot of these positions do require a college degree. (And pay WAY less than 60k/yr but hey, who needs to pay for housing???)
We know who did the shooting,” Woods said, adding that he “[wished] our shooter would have called us instead of taking actions into her own hands.”