I haven’t thought about Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble for YEARS.
I haven’t thought about Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble for YEARS.
If you have somewhere where you keep academia-related files, save your course syllabi. I once transferred schools and the new school wouldn’t accept anything I already took as substitutes for their gen ed requirements unless I submitted a syllabus to them.
I’ve been renting in a major city for many years. I’ve never been a day late on rent, ever. I don’t make noise or cause damage. And EVERY SINGLE TIME I’ve had to negotiate a lease renewal, the landlord has taken the stance of “give me more money than you can afford to give, or find a new place, and screw you for even…
There are plenty of bosses and clients out there who will see “family vacation” and view it as MORE okay to interrupt than just something generic.
Eh, I don’t disagree that he’s the quintessential “we’re just like you, straight people! therefore we* should have rights!
*(just me and my husband and other people in our specific social group)”
gay guy, but believe me, to your average person outside the queer community, “some men who like beer also play piano and…
I was a tank main in OW1 and played literally every day. Tried to be as flexible as possible and prioritized being a team player. But the one thing I HATED doing was solo-tanking. Anyway, I haven’t played more than a few games of OW2 since launch.
The reason why CBT is able to be studied more rigorously than other types of therapy is that it’s cookie cutter and easily standardized and doesn’t depend on the individual factors of the patient or the therapist (as pointed out in the article). That also means you can get most of the experience from a self-help app.
I mean, who among us couldn’t use a $1 margarita?
I mean the bread is there to stop hungry people from complaining overmuch when the kitchen is backed up, isn’t it?
Yeah, my mom has been bothering me about this nonstop. “Maybe some of your cards are worth something!” (spoilers: no)
I swear, in 5 years or so the fact that we describe everything as “cozy” is going to be considered “cringe af”.
Handmaid’s Tale shit for sure.
Tragic: Worst Person You Know Just Came Up With Amazing Burn
She had to put her entire life and career on hold and raise their kids in an unimaginable setting,
Yeah I mean Black children are unjustly ripped away from their families all the time... but this really isn’t the case I would use as an example. This child was in real danger.
Please tip your gig drivers, the apps pay less than what it would take to break even on expenses.
Could the moisture-pressing step be done passively in a tofu press? (If only to have more than one use for the thing...)
It’s a weird way of phrasing it, but the situation itself is not that shocking.
I probably didn’t know the difference between onions, garlic, and shallots at that age either.
Stellaris is very winnable if you choose to go the “militaristic slave empire” route and very difficult to win otherwise.