
Yup. I have all the good seasons before the last of the original creators left on DVD, so I’m good. 

“I’m not asking for them to be introspective, I’m asking for them to stop,” Jones replied, blackity-blackly.

The funny part about “White Privilege” is, most of the racist assholes who spend their all their free time online raging about “The Blacks” are so stupid, they couldn’t figure out how to make it work for them.

Extra Credit Reading List:

It feels to me that Abrams had a bunch of really cool shots in mind (and boy are there a lot of cool shots) but when it comes time to connect those shots in a meaningful way, he often half- assed it.

I rewatched the saga previous to this (over a month, no binge), and quite frankly, Ive made my peace with the Star Wars saga as a whole being an imperfect, patchwork franchise, no matter if its George Lucas or anyone else at the helm; quite simply, everything made after A New Hope was trying to fit a square peg in a

Or what, Neil Tyson will tweet at me?

Nothing missing or lost. As a football-colored person, there is no confusion here.

I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off

the star wars trailers for this trilogy have been so opaque, just watch the trailer

Yeah, 5 stars and kind words are great, but they don’t pay your bills. FWIW, if you were my driver, I’d tip you 20-50% for waiting for me, even more for helping me with bags (I’m disabled) so that you’d be earning as much or more as what cab fare would cost with the meter running + a nice tip. I do the same kind of thi

So I’ll be technically correct when I say “it sucks”, someone asks “what does?” and I answer “everything!”

Honest question, is there anyone these people wouldn’t be friends with? Like historically? Would Stalin be on the table?

Early on in his presiderpcy, he referred to Americans in general as “my people”.

Now playing

He’s healthy, but you can’t see his medical exams.

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” —Jiddu Krishnamurti

Hey rich people. You want to donate to some worthy cause? How about pay off all these fines for the people of Florida?

Trump Derangement Syndrome is gaslighting to the max. “Gaslighting” may be an overused phrase of late, but it’s because that’s the dominant mode of communication by this administration. Trump is deranged. Trump is a fucking nutcase. Trump is doing everything insane that people are saying he’s doing. He’s a blustering.

OMG... I thought you were joking. Holy crap.

I think it’s a rogue state more because the different elements of government are basically just all-out grifting for themselves and the military won’t actually follow through on orders as truly horrible as what he describes above.