Wrong. Not even done developing at 15 - still plenty of time for real, constructive rehabilitation.
Wrong. Not even done developing at 15 - still plenty of time for real, constructive rehabilitation.
Hint: The correct answer is “never”.
Aw man, as a white person that genuinely enjoys the company of black people, I’m a little bummed out by this, but I get it.
I’m a Canadian, so I don’t know much about American publications, but did you mean to say this dickhead Kirsanow writes for the “White Nationalist Review”? He’s not even being coy about what kind of shit lurks in his heart and mind.
YES. As a white person who’s gotten into many an argument with other white people about White Privilege (or Male Privilege) I’ve said this same thing many times. Just because your dumb ass hasn’t benefited from your inherent privilege as much as others (though they surely have benefited somewhat or they’d have died on…
So when my kid is old enough that I need to watch his internet activity, I’ll put on a monitoring program, tell him it’s there, and give him the password to turn it off whenever he feels like it. Just like the cops!
The so-called “Squad”...have spent the entirety of that time living rent-free in Republicans’ heads.
A “football-colored person”!!! OMG, dying laughing baseball-colored person here and that was too funny! Maybe “you people” can get some kind of sponsorship deal from the NFL to rebrand terms like “Black” and “African-American” to “football-colored” and we can finally achieve the post-racial paradise we all deserve.
Not to brag, but to add another example of better alternatives: I live in Canada - my kid came about 5 weeks early - not too bad, but early enough to warrant having a NICU response team on-hand for his delivery. He was fine, but needed UV-therapy for a bit of jaundice and we had to stay in-hospital for 5 days. My…
Agreed - except I challenge you to find one of these hypocritical motherfuckers who actually base their entire lives around those beliefs.
“Christian” lol.
I read and appreciated your words - this “caretaker” is a nut
Motherfuck - less than a week after I finally get ungreyed.
Look, I don’t agree with his whole “killing millions of his own people” thing, but we bonded over our love of mustache creams, what can I say? Sorry I’m able to look past the little differences and get along with people, man!
I bet he had a lot of hot Canadian girlfriends back in high school too.
Yes! Came here to say this!
Nice one!
I’d like to think that’s true, but, for the defensive strategy of Mutually Assured Destruction to work, the Russians (say) must *know* the US *will* shoot back and the guys in those silos are selected based on a psychological profile that includes an unflinching willingness to follow orders and launch those fucking…
Yes - very true, but almost certainly way over Trump’s head!
“...in my great and unmatched wisdom...”