
“I, in my great and unmatched wisdom...”

When you shoot your gun, do you miss as badly as you are missing the point right now?

It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...

“The press conference is being drowned out by Chumbawumba” is just an amazing fucking sentence and I’m sure it will be my final thought before I die and I am hashtag-blessed for that. 

Hi Kelsie - I’m a Tigers fan, and I feel like they have repeatedly kicked me in the balls this past season. Does that qualify?

“Sorry you were offended.”

yeah. dude is creepy as shit. it’s a good thing he copped to it and bowed out of public life. if there’s more to be done, then lets have it out on the courtroom.

I don’t see the point of a 9th or 10th person stepping froward to say he’s creepy unless there is actually something to be done.

If the guy deserves an ass

Now playing

Bwahahahahahaha! Did anyone really think they weren’t going to work this out?

They’re Sikhs, not sheikhs. 

Ageed. Chiropractors shouldn’t be allowed to operate.

This might surprise you, but I’m with you there! He did fuck up, and he gave a pretty good apology, and he’s way better than your opposition... if there was a better option in play, great, but there isn’t. Meanwhile more broadly, I’m more interested with what someone does with having made a mistake than with the fact

Biases aside, I don’t know how people can watch CNN.  Cable news is grating.

Continuity handbook - great.

I came to yell about Jason X’s placement near the bottom of the list, but was pleasantly surprised that you’ve put it exactly where it needs to be.

I was a beta tester for Cave Story+ and NightSky back in 2011. I can confirm that all bug reports had to be sent through Tyrone himself and I never received confirmation/requests for more info about any problems I identified and some were still present in the final release, one issue with the map on a certain screen

technically true, but that top 5 is actually like a 15 way tie. DeVos, Kush, Pence, Carson, Conway, Giuliani, Huckabee-Sanders, Donj, Eric, Miller... I could keep going but I might end up jumping off the roof.

Only ranking behind Drumpf himself, and Suckabee-Sanders

He reminds me of this guy

There are so many now you bring it up.... Pence, Ross, Carson.  

I firmly believe Siri should respond with a photo of Harriet Tubman in a PussyHat when you ask her if she’s a feminist.