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    Exactly. You’ll get some big Star Wars Feels and not learn much at all about the actual story. I avoid movie trailers in general, but I love Star Wars trailers.

    “End of the Skywalker Saga” stuff notwithstanding, I still predict we see STAR WAR: EPISODE X in 2027. “50 years after it began...the Star Wars Saga...Continues.”

    I read and appreciated your words - this “caretaker” is a nut 

    Motherfuck - less than a week after I finally get ungreyed.

    Look, I don’t agree with his whole “killing millions of his own people” thing, but we bonded over our love of mustache creams, what can I say? Sorry I’m able to look past the little differences and get along with people, man!

    I bet he had a lot of hot Canadian girlfriends back in high school too.

    Yes! Came here to say this!

    Nice one!

    I’d like to think that’s true, but, for the defensive strategy of Mutually Assured Destruction to work, the Russians (say) must *know* the US *will* shoot back and the guys in those silos are selected based on a psychological profile that includes an unflinching willingness to follow orders and launch those fucking

    Yes - very true, but almost certainly way over Trump’s head!

    “...in my great and unmatched wisdom...”

    Hey, you might want to revisit Collateral 

    You’re leaving the cause? For *what*? And, sorry, the actions of others make you abandon your political philosophy because why? This all reads like a big whinge.

    I agree with a lot of this, and couldn’t have even guessed what side of the political spectrum you were on, until you got to some serious bullshit about what the “left side” wants to do. At this stage in the game, NO ONE - and I mean no one who matters, no one who has or ever will have the power to enact any of these

    The problem with that is a concept I read in a Malcolm Gladwell essay a while back - I can’t remember the catchy name but it was about riots and acts of violence and destruction - basically in a given crowd of people you’re going to have just one or a couple of people willing to be the first one to commit an act of

    “I’m very sorry if these women experienced that.”

    Literally, for not even a second.

    I agree with the need for speed in terms of not allowing the GOP/Trump White House to fortify any of its (godawfully stupid) positions on a given issue, but part of that has to be hitting them on as many fronts as possible. We all know this was the straw that broke the camel’s back (brick that broke the strongest camel

    What’s with the unprovoked attack on Ketchup Sandwiches?

    No correction required - pretty sure taking an ear shit would kill a person.