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    This is an insane take. WE have the luxury of pretending Fox News doesn’t exist - and I do! - but with their ratings, we can gather that it’s the only news some people watch, and it’s totally possible that a good chunk of those people aren’t hyper-partisan, they’re just not that bright and somehow they’ve just gotten

    Twisted? Don’t you mean DAMAGED?

    “Crazed and incompetent” you say?

    You guys - stop all this handwringing, go buy as many guns as you can afford and start training - Civil War is not really optional anymore - either you roll over and completely accept Right-Wing Dominion, or you’ve got to fight. I’m sorry - I abhor violence, but it’s time to get real.

    I’m surprised someone with a terminal illness doesn’t go out with a bang that could have some real far-reaching consequences for the better...

    But why do the American people lack the will to literally crucify her? I really don’t understand the lack of focussed, constructive violence in your ultra-violent country. Guys like Mitch McConnell just walking around, while good, decent people get killed for no reason all the time. How bad does it have to get for you

    Came here to say this. Not sure why what is likely the biggest factor isn’t mentioned at all in the article.

    Yeah fuck dude, it’s happening here in Canada as well. It was scary enough just being in such close proximity to you psychos; now we’ve got a true American-style racist conservative dolt poised to win a Federal election against a divided left.

    I love how Jordan Peterson, of all people, fancies himself as someone who has set his house in perfect order.

    lol...how the fuck did I know that was one of Jordan fucking Peterson’s “rules”. You know that guy is full of Grade A Horseshit, right?

    It’s funny how apparently one party has to hide or at least temper its true intentions, while the other side ejaculates its id directly into your face.

    Sweet, I was disappointed that I didn’t quite fall into any of the six kinds described above, but I’d really like to think that I’m Cool People when it comes to the comments.

    As if the words that just “slip out” aren’t the most revealing words of all.

    Unfortunately the Honour System of gun control has been rendered quaint in New Zealand. To their credit, it took a relatively long time.

    I think you’re right about France, but I don’t think anyone really admires “you” (i.e. America), do they? More line a mix of fear and contempt.

    It’s the total lack of empathy that’s getting really frightening. They revel in their lack of empathy.


    Though I FULLY support the actions of #eggboy and couldn’t be prouder of the lad, I can’t really condemn the smacks. Can’t comment on the legality but not an unreasonable response from the asshole (to be fair I do come from a country where the Prime Minister strangled a protestor on camera). That being said, I’d be

    I think anyone who’s on the fence about gun control should watch the video. I have enough imagination to not need to - most people with half a brain should - but if you’re not quite sure about whether people’s access to firearms should be limited, watch the fucking video, you stupid ass. Maybe it’ll be enough to make

    Any chance we can just have them summarily convicted and sentenced to being eaten?