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    You all seem to hate this guy SO much, but time after time, he’s absolutely telling it how it is about certain things.

    Hmm, actually I’d say your pigeonholing a perfectly good multi-use word there.

    “I got in there, and I don’t know if it’s a speech or not, but it felt amazing,” he tells Vanity Fair of a speech he gave during his failed Senate campaign. “Because every word was pulled out of me. Like, by some greater force, which was just the people there. Everything that I said, I was, like, watching myself,

    Well that’s bad and everything, but NOW can we just forget about things like Affirmative Action and “identity politics” and REALLY just have people advance in life based on their own merits?” - Some White Racist Shitbag Pretending to Not Be Racist Because Really YOU’RE the Racist

    My left-of-liberal father is still alive nearly 25 years after a liver-transplant - I IMPLORE you to reconsider this reckless and wasteful decision to take your organs to your grave/the incinerator. If there’s a 1% chance just one of your organs could go to someone who will be a source of light and love in this

    My left-of-liberal father is still alive nearly 25 years after a liver-transplant - I IMPLORE you to reconsider this reckless and wasteful decision to take your organs to your grave/the incinerator. If there’s a 1% chance just one of your organs could go to someone who will be a source of light and love in this mostly

    1. If 69% of Israel supports Trump, Israel is way more fucked up than I thought it was.

    Though it can be hard to believe, there are more malevolent, wannabe imperialists out there than the US. This isn’t really good news for anyone.

    I was walking on a trail with my family and passed by an Asian man I knew I recognized but couldnt quite place him but then thought he was a lawyer I had worked with almost 10 years earlier, and said, “Hey, Tony!” He smiled and nodded. A few steps later my brain kicked in and I realized he was just a guy who was often

    That’s the conundrum, right? Racism is a product of fear; fear is a product of ignorance. The best, and perhaps only, way to turnaround racism is education and exposure, and the most effective way to get that is by actually spending time with people.

    If anything is going to “rise again” in the South, I hope it’s death tolls. #bazinga!

    Nancy is great at the political part of politics - when it comes to policy? Go take a nap, Grandma.

    This is a bizarre conversation to be having about a nearly perfect movie.


    Okay, I getcha. This probably isn’t the place to get into my views on how the disposition to work hard (in an academic sense in this case) is mostly just luck of the genetic draw (in much the same way “whiteness” and all of its privileges is) but I think it’s the societal issue we need to address after we “solve”

    I can’t figure out the part you’re disagreeing with - I agree with everything you BOTH said somehow.

    Thank you for the thoughtful response. I’ll do my best!

    I agree with everything you say - I’m a relatively poor white person, so I don’t benefit as much as others, but I’m absolutely aware that I do benefit, I don’t think it’s fair and I want it to change. My question is how? What do I do as an individual white person? I try to be a voice of positive influence with my

    What was the false statement?

    Ha! “Trump curious” - I like that.