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    This is awesome but what da fuck kind of shot is Obama getting ready to take there?

    How about, instead of this particular brand of community service where you try to get black people (whose experience you seem completely unwilling to try and understand) to do what you want, you focus your efforts on getting white people to stop doing all the shit that makes black people justifiably angry at white

    Yeah, yeah, good, I’m glad you’re here to put black people in their place, good luck being a shithead.

    LOL! A guy named “beingBlackDoesntMakeYouRight” is an altruistic fighter of racism! I thought I told you to fuck off!

    How about shut up about all the stuff you’re unsure about?

    What is your purpose here? To tell a group of people whose experience you know nothing about, and have no apparent interest in learning about, that they’re wrong to feel the way they do? Here’s an idea: fuck off!

    I do and it does. How many times would you have to get bitten by a different dog before you started saying “fuck dogs”. What if it was every day of your goddamn life?

    Wait, are you slicing hot dog weiners or hot dog weiners?

    But aren’t we all suspected shooters?

    You either don’t understand context or (more likely) PRETEND to not understand context - neither is great, the latter is worse, I hope you figure out whatever is wrong with you someday.

    Yes. The answer to your question is yes.

    Why do you insist on this hyper-literal interpretation that NO ONE ELSE had a problem with? Oh yeah, you don’t really.

    Fuck off troll.

    Only if you also replaced actual history with one where black people enslaved whites, warred with themselves over freeing them and then continued to systematically oppress them. Then I guess you could just swap the words and pretend that meant something.

    I think you’re a racist piece of shit which makes you dumb as fucking dirt.

    My Catholic grandmother got her marriage ANNULLED after over 20 years and five children (one of whom was actually with another man when she ran away from the family for a year but then came back and had ANOTHER child with my grandfather) - yeah, churches are real tough on divorced heterosexuals.

    Not to mention that when he says “everyone should be free to love who they want free from the judgement of their fellow man” there’s some implication there of who will be judging them. Fucking Christians, man, we don’t judge you (lol) but we do have some pretty strong opinions on who will be judging you and how.

    Never forget: Ben Carson is a fucking BRAIN SURGEON.

    Exactly - that’s the frequently unspoken part of this “issue” (and it exists everywhere - no more publicly derided and legislatively bullied groups here in Nova Scotia, Canada than teachers and nurses) - the workers involved are predominantly women and the people deciding their fates are predominantly men. Huh, two of

    Because what people say tells you what they think - that’s how words work.