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    We all fucking know what you really think.


    I agree that Blackface was just as racist 30 years ago (or whenever) as it is today, the only question to me is whether or not it should be a career death sentence and I think time lapsed should be a mitigating factor? Assuming a clear record of change and genuine remorse? Though perhaps for some positions termination

    Letting them in? The visibly intoxicated are his fucking base!

    *puts gun in mouth*

    Stop. You future grandchildren are going to die. Whether it’s an asteroid or a tidal wave or cancer or a post-apocalyptic cannibal. Stop the obsession with death. It’s like we’ve finally truly started to figure out that we all have to die at some point so we’re like, well let’s at least try to make our SPECIES live

    How do YOU spell “anther”?

    A good compromise is when both sides are dissatisfied?

    Seriously! We’re going to let Amazon SELL THE MOST STUFF and not even insist somehow that they use eco-friendly shipping materials?

    You can’t be a parent. Otherwise you’d know that fucking with your kid is one of the great joys in life. They will believe literally anything you tell them!

    No one should stand up when they pee unless it’s a public or filthy bathroom. I’ve got perfect aim but the last time I peed standing up in bare feet was the last time I peed standing up at home - liquid falling from a height into more liquid equals unavoidable microsplashes; i.e. piss on your floor. Don’t do it!

    His podcast “Black on the Air” is fantastic! Check it out!

    I can say that Larry Wilmore would most likely agree with the venal vs. mortal analogy (to give you one example of how a black man feels about it). He sees a moral difference between in using face makeup for imitation vs. mockery. I’m inclined to agree.

    I believe this woman.

    I don’t consider myself superior to anyone. And I’m fine with the metaphorical blood on my hands - I get it - I don’t have any moral issues with the concept of killing animals for human consumption, nor with the actual practice if it’s done ethically. What I’m having difficulty with is the concept that I would somehow

    But here’s the thing: (a) I believe him when he says he never did blackface; but also (b) it’s not like not having done blackface should be the fucking gold standard for determining someone’s level of racism anyway; so (c) why are we policing the response to this particular question quite so hard anyway?

    That’s actually more believable than the complete lack of leaks!

    Sorry (not sorry) but you’re being an asshole. An insincere asshole to boot. In the context of someone doing something in school, I too might have answered the question, “No, nobody did shit like that at my school.” That’s just an HONEST, sincere answer. Not perfect, fine, but as a society if we can’t say someone’s

    But Jesus - they can’t even stop the White House from leaking. I hate to give Trump ideas but he should be hiring nothing but test screeners!

    I always forget there are test audiences watching these movies months in advance - where do they fucking get these people anyway? Best secret-keepers ever!