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    Yeah I was thinking about that after the fact - mostly I was just looking for an excuse to brag about my Canadian ruggedness. :P

    Right - what people need to figure out is that REPUBLICANS aren’t the problem and DEMOCRATS aren’t the problem, fucking RICH PEOPLE are the problem.

    Canadian here - sorry, gotta call you wimps on this one. My four-year-old son’s daycare still sends them outside to play until temps go below -20C (-4F). Cancel school for COLD? lol

    Canadian here - sorry, gotta call you wimps on this one. My four-year-old son’s daycare still sends them outside to play in those temps. Cancel school for COLD? lol

    Great piece - nailed it.

    I know - didn’t mean to imply he’d even make it to the election stage.

    This is an impressively bad take.

    Guys. Relax. He’s doing this to sell books (not for $ but so he knows he’s a smart and good boy). It’s free pub. He’s doing the same thing Trump did, but he’s smart enough not to fuck it up and actually become president.

    I mean, that’s your incorrect opinion but I can see how you incorrectly gleaned that notion from my comments, I suppose. If you’re someone who looks for the worst in people.

    Swedish and Norwegian doesn’t count as multi-racial.

    Ha! Let me guess - not a parent are you? If you were you’d know that manipulating your children into doing what you want is like 90% of the game. I want him to play baseball/basketball, not football/hockey (because concussions) and I want him not to have any thoughts that he should “stick to his own kind” like your

    Interesting. I am a child abuser but how does that fact shine through my writing?

    I think it’s a lack of struggle. It’s too easy to be a White American these days. Once upon a time that wasn’t so and there was something to say for “White Culture”, but it’s gotten stale and uninteresting. From an artistic standpoint, we’re mostly building on the innovations born from our ancestors’ struggles,

    Ah, a racist, how nice of you to respond.

    Haha - I envy people who really like the prequels! My wife’s entry into Star Wars was Episode III, which she liked enough to go back and watch all of them - then she decided she didn’t really like any of them. :(

    I was expecting his bedtime reading material to be an Archie Double Digest he’s been working his way through since 1989, so I’m actually impressed he’s tackling those Hitler speeches. 

    That’s fair. There’s a small part of me that just wanted to see Han and Leia and Luke and Chewie and the gang have some fun adventures with their kids, but I feel like that would have been rewarding a much more basic part of my brain and I can applaud them for aiming a little higher, even if it isn’t completely

    Oh really? Because I’d say comparing someone enjoying a movie to enjoying a root canal or watching live surgeries is what’s insulting. Telling that person to fuck off is just good sense.

    And here I am with a little blonde-haired, blue-eyed son, trying to figure out how I’m going to gently steer him towards bringing a little colour into my white-ass family. I’m slightly concerned that my desire for brown (or Asian or Native American, etc.) grandbabies is its own kind of racism...

    Did you actually see the documentary yet, yourself? If not, do you think you’ll be watching with an open mind?