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    No, I wasn’t pointing out a typo. I was pointing out his freedom of speech. He can tell you what to do with your own money. I can tell you what to do with your own money too. You don’t have to listen, but I can tell you what I think you should do with it and I have every right to.

    Wow, I honestly was not expecting the comments section to be filed with actual white supremacists. Bonkers!

    lol @ “they fuck”

    Here’s a better idea - take your old-ass parents, heat them up over a fire and shove them up your own ass. Sorry, we don’t measure the worth of a person based on your parents’ (who raised an asshole so they probably suck too) insurance needs. Or time travel, or whatever the fuck bearing you think that 2017 vote has on

    Bad news, Wolfie, he a million percent has the right to tell anyone what to do with their...oh, you call it “won” money, I would call it stolen, but no matter, whatever money. He has the right. He has the right to tell you what to do with your money. Suck it up.

    You are just flat out lying about shit.

    I don’t know...he did say “Period”...

    I’m Canadian and happily pay a healthy chunk of income tax so that my fellow Canadians and I can have somewhat free healthcare. So I’m sad for you guys but also unaffected enough to want to point out that when a price doubles it’s “only” gone up by 100%.

    If I understand the situation with Netflix and these Marvel properties correctly, it is Disney bailing on Netflix isn’t it? They want all that sweet, sweet IP back in the Mouse House.

    Yeah, you’ve tried nothing and you’re all out of ideas. You’d think a country as proud of its (so-called) freedom would be in the streets tearing the fucker down over their country turning into a dictatorship...

    Do you see us making some sort of recovery from this madness or are we, as a society, just going to break? Are we already broken?

    You’re giving the kind of adults these kids are surrounded by WAY too much credit.

    And it lasts well into adulthood - just ask Brett Kavanaugh!

    Yeah, I’m sure something like that is the reason, but I want these Democrats to obstinately refuse to entertain a single one of his stupid whims. When you have a criminal traitor for president you should hang him on the White House lawn only give him as much authority as the procedure still requires. They shouldn’t

    The tweets aren’t what’s going to start the Civil War. It’ll be fragile, racist MAGAs, just like the last one.

    You’re right, but how many things can they REALLY do at one time? Like, this one should probably rank somewhere in the range of Nos. 5,000-10,000 on the old priority list. You telling me they have the first 5,000 things covered?

    Not like the fucking House Intelligence Committee has any other goddamn fucking Jesus fucking Christing thing they could be holy blow my fucking brains out doing. I’m fine with this. Totally fine.

    Yeah, but I heard there’s an even longer video that shows why his use of the N-word wasn’t THAT bad.

    As particularly symbolic as this specific instance may be, it’s been white supremacy in action since the fucking founding of America, so don’t act so surprised. Or disheartened. Keep being good. Actually, be even better!  

    I agree with the asshole part, but we’ve got to move away from “kill yourself” - it always comes off weak.