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    I think ketchup chips is one of the things we Canadians are most surprised isn’t really a thing in the US. Oh, and poutine. Fries. Cheese. Gravy. All things you guys seem to eat in obscene quantities, but never together for some reason. What’s up with that, eh?

    Yeah, I think we’ll see a lot of that for sure. Some of Trump’s “rhetoric” (too fancy a word for anything he ever says) lately is already setting the stage for that. But, speaking of insane (i.e. probably true) conspiracy theories, at this point I’m more worried about Russians straight up manipulating actual election

    Oh that was nice. Who’s side are you on?

    This is a smart take.

    Okay but I’m not sure we should lump together guys who assaulted women with a guy who...I guess assaulted people’s sensibilities?

    Just read it last year. Relative to overall living conditions for everyone, it’s not that far off.


    That guy in the photo is a smug, racist asshole? Gtf outta here.

    lol I wish! That moment happened a long time ago and y’all were like, “Good idea! I like cake!” 

    Not that I disagree with the sentiment, but that cartoon must be straight out of Dad Jokes Weekly.

    Wait, how does Gunn fit into these examples?

    Left comedy? It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. You should watch it! :)

    This is the greatest show on television right now.

    Thanks a lot, dude - I just rolled my eyes so hard one fell out!

    I mean, if it’s not secure and accurate, what is the point of even having a democracy?

    Or, as is sorta quietly being reported, just altering the voting machine numbers for the people they want to win? Why bother with the more long-form psychological stuff when you can do that?

    Me neither. But I care when people I’m supposed to trust are metaphorically fucking other people who should be able to trust them.

    Re Congress, you do realize that it appears Russian hackers can just flat out alter voting machines and no one is doing anything about it?

    Oh cool, you’re like a sexual free spirit or whatever and concepts like friendship and loyalty aren’t big deals to you. You must be a great friend.

    Yes, I really like the idea of them applying different genre templates to the Star Wars universe. Here’s one I’d like to see: A group of young Jedi potentials with a few surviving Jedi in a remote wilderness setting - almost like a summer camp, if you will - become stalked by a masked, blade-wielding monster named