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    FORMER CEO - he’s fired right before RoboCop kills him - so RoboCop CAN kill him - I’d say that makes it a pretty good fit except for the part where a CEO gets fired.

    He said “consciousness” you fucking dummy.

    You’re silly.

    Yeah, that’s not usually my thing either and I don’t find it overly intrusive in this, but I get it.

    Seriously, where are all the Robocops? I’m sure they can be trained programmed to kill unarmed black people too!

    This is just GETTING ridiculous? I think we went hurtling past ridiculous into...I don’t know what...Kafkaesque?...a LONG time ago.

    Fuck I hate your country. On my 20th birthday 18 years ago my friends stole a US flag from an American summerer’s cottage and we got drunk and went crazy on it - stomped and danced and pissed on it and finally set it on fire. For awhile I looked back at that as being pretty stupid but I kinda relish the memory again

    I think we’re getting closer to pinpointing exactly when we were put in the Matrix.

    I know life’s too short to get into things you don’t really like, but I blindly invested in “Saga” (on a trusted friend’s recommendation I bought the first 3 volumes of the tpbs) and I was not digging it for like the first 1.5 volumes (but had spent too much not to at least read them) and then something clicked and I

    You don’t need a fucking lawyer; you need a FUCKING lawyer.

    (1) How do you know I’m a Rick and Morty fan?

    Come on, now, Forrest Gump wasn’t THAT retarded.

    I think it only seems that simple to you because you’re a little simple. Which is okay! We’re all different!

    Sorry Georgie-boy, you’re still wrong. If your initial reaction was, “Hey, he stole the ball from that kid!” all the additional information should change it too is, “Hey, that guy who was nice enough to give a ball to that kid earlier, just stole the ball from that kid and gave it to another kid!” None of the other

    You say “bro” too much.

    I agree with you on this one - this guys an asshole. I’m as socially left as it gets - I just think the first kid should have been given the choice to share the ball that seemed pretty clearly his.

    Objection! Irrelevant.

    Not at all - and I’m not spewing any bad lessons here - if it was my 3-year old son in that situation I’d say hey buddy since you already have a ball do you want to give this one to that little boy over there who doesn’t have one? Knowing my kid it’s about a 75% chance he’d say yes. Or he’d probably say no at first

    But if you dropped the coupon and someone picked it up and said that guy over there needs it more than you, you’d be pissed right?

    You are insane to think that. I don’t lack empathy - I understand that this isn’t a sad story and that no one was hurt too badly and some people were made happy that wouldn’t have been BUT the ends don’t justify the means. It’s like if a rich kid had three bikes and I stole one to give to a poor kid. Sure it’s minimal