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    It always killed me that the series didn’t end with Anakin and Obi-wan jumping into their ships to go rescue Palpatine - love this news!

    What the fuck is the matter with you people? Why is this guy even a thing?

    Stop lying. A progressive platform is the only thing that will appeal to the largest segment of the voting-aged population - non-voters who (correctly, until Trump) don’t see enough difference between the two parties to bother voting. If we can get a quarter of them to vote Democrat the “center” Democratic voters who

    ASSHOLE. There is enough wealth in the world for EVERYONE to have as much as me. It’s not ME taking more than my fair share. My wife and I work 40 hours a week and we receive what should be the MINIMUM reward for that. And still I don’t complain about the taxes I pay and still I give some of it away. I can’t even

    Oh boy, more dumb assuming. I have perfectly rational hostility towards the greedy pigs of the world taking more than their fair share and directly causing the suffering of billions of people. End of conversation.

    Thanks for this. I stopped reflexively Googling “Gawker” (I hate bookmarks - does that make me crazy/stupid? Sites I visit every day, I just Google it and go) a looong time ago so there’s no way this asshole is getting a single click out of me.

    Ok fuck off then. I’m no fucking Christian - I judge like a morherfucker. But Jesus had it right when it came to wealth.

    Depends on whether your definition of “bad” is closer to Ayn Rand’s or Jesus Christ’s - if the latter, than no it’s not a stupid take, it’s the correct one.

    I can’t even really figure out wtf you’re talking about anymore.

    Your assumptions about me are embarrassing ones for a presumably grown adult to be making on the Internet. Whatever it is you are, it’s not good. And just because you couch your whining in a more aggressive, bullying tone, doesn’t make it any less whining. I’m airing legitimate, societal (not even personal) grievances

    Who’s whining you fucking cunt?

    I have a lovely wife and an awesome son - we just bought a house - we don’t have a lot of extra money for luxuries, but all of our needs are met. Most importantly I’ve never fucked over anyone and sleep like a baby at night. So I’d say I’m about as successful as a person can get.

    Most were either born into it or got lucky. A lot of the rest actively fucked people over to get it. How is it that the sweat of the single mother with two children busting her ass at two minimum wage jobs is so much less valuable than that of some Fortune 500 criminal?

    Then you’re not paying attention.

    Dowdy looks like some random drunk fuck staring at you from across the bar looking to pick a fight. What a piece of shit.

    I can only imagine how that must feel. 

    A modest proposal: Can we start a program - let’s call it Big Bruthas Big Sistas - where black people volunteer to teach white people that they’re also human beings by, I don’t know, just like hanging out with them for an hour or two? Have a little AMA session? I readily admit it’s totally not fair for black people to

    It was garlic. Sliced so thin it melted when it hit the oil.

    What’s extra sad about this and other stories is how often I see the black victims of this bullshit say they don’t want to assume it’s racism. Fucking white people (disclaimer: I am one) have so shamed black people about DARING to make it a “race thing” they actually feel bad about playing the “race card”. It’s double

    YES! Preach to the choir! That phrase has taken on the negative connotation of being a waste of time, but preaching to the choir should be about inspiring the people already on your side to be more actively on your side. “Preaching” at a people of a different “religion” is the waste of time.