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    Oh boy, you really think you’re on to something with the donation thing. And the old, “Respond all you want, I’m blocking you now” is classic dick.

    Quick question about Pieces since you seem like a bit of a horror movie scholar - at the end of the film a character, Kendall, gets his junk ripped off by a zombie-type thing. Do you think the character name was a deliberate pun on Ken Doll or just a happy coincidence?

    I don’t remember a bathroom fight in BvS...or do you just mean the whole movie was a toilet?

    God, I hope so. Come on you guys, we’re rooting for you and you can’t wait much longer to start taking REAL action...

    This is a fair assessment. I’ve never been more suspicious of “my people” (straight, white men) than I am now. I have a wide range of what I can consider a good person, but you can’t be a Trump supporter and a good person. You never really could, but now you definitely can’t.

    There are people in this world that look at little (black) children and see things to be purposely funneled into prisons and make them money. Adult human beings that think that way. That’s about as sick as it gets. Being a serial killer is less evil than that.

    Here’s a list of some possible things:

    Not a yes or no question actually.

    You can toot your own horn all you want - the fact that you would make a statement as fucking arrogant and stupid as “This is OUR problem and we ARE dealing with it” tells me all I need to know about you.

    Thanks for making it abundantly clear what kind of American I’m dealing with. The normal, selfish, stupid, lazy kind. Best of luck to you, you’re going to need it.

    Whoosh! There go women’s abortion rights - quick - pen an angry letter!

    Where are all the good guys with guns when you need them?

    I think breastfeeding is a source of hypocrisy for a lot of “liberal” women - it’s become more of politicized gender issue (because of actions by both “sides” of the “discussion” for sure) than a science issue, which is what it should be.

    You’re right - awful racist assholes should be very careful not to publicly do awful racist things or they might end up getting swatted. Good point. For racists to consider. Just the racists.

    What about them? What does that have to do with THIS story where a racist asshole was properly identified and lost his job?

    Why are you posting your concern on THIS story’s comment section?

    But what does THAT have to do with THIS?

    Quick example for you there do-nothing: Jews. Tell the Jews that survived the Holocaust that violence never solved anything.

    Yeah sorta.

    YOU: Violence is never the solution to an issue.