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    That would be my little ginger toughgirl too. She’s cute but dumb.

    Desperate times call for DESPERATE measures. Not letter writing. Not signing petitions. You remember what the people of your country did when they needed to stand up to a cruel monarch? Or slave owners? I’m not a violent person and I want to live a long, happy life but there come times in history when people need to

    This is a tough one - I mean, I’m firmly anti-death penalty yet I also support hanging all of these motherfuckers from lampposts. I think it’s possible to be against something in a general sense but for it in specific circumstances. (See how Dukakis basically lost a presidential bid for being against executing the


    Not good enough. If 60% of your country - about 200 million people - can’t do something about this man and his followers before he destroys the world, then fuck you too.

    Or the Navy that conducts much of the world’s most important oceanographic research.

    Holy shit - because, yes, what the world respects is selfishness. Jesus fucking Christ.

    Mmmm, The Devil’s BBQ sounds tasty af.

    Um, that’s clearly Wakanda. Fake news!

    I really don’t understand why that hasn’t happened yet. Same with Pruitt. These guys are out there just walking around in public? Where are all the Good Guys with guns (and like a terminal illness or something so the consequences aren’t so harsh)?

    [A] third-grader at Harmony Learning Center in Maplewood, Minnesota, pressed the trigger on a school liaison officer’s gun on Feb. 5.”

    Satire it is

    I can’t tell if this is real or satire.

    It’s nice to see that sociopathic consequentialists are really able to come out of the closet now.

    I know, I wouldn’t bother asking a nobody simply wearing a MAGA hat to leave my establishment. It’s clearly the perfect scenario for just spitting in their food and enjoying the personal satisfaction of that.

    I don’t think you would get along in real life.

    Hmmm...a guy has a simmering rage towards a newspaper he feels wronged him and suddenly the President of the United States of America, who he supports, is calling journalists the enemy of the people? Well now it’s not just a personal beef anymore - these people are harming the country! I’ll be doing both myself and

    And the thing is, I can appreciate the desire to have the new Star Wars movies be about Han, Luke & Leia flying around the galaxy having fun space adventures. I get wanting that - I thought I wanted that! Hey maybe they’ll do the Thrawn Trilogy I once thought for a few seconds. But those fucking books - and I didn’t

    You fucking coward. More than right-wing nitwits, the mess your country has been in for decades belongs to all you gutless liberals that won’t take a stand for real change. Wall Street execs should have been hanging from lampposts in downtown Manhattan after 2008. Guys like Bitch McConnell should be being executed on

    As a white guy who isn’t “that way” I can tell you there is something shocking about hearing another white person say something like that - like, yeah, you know there are lots of racist people out there, but it’s kinda like when you see a dick in a non-pornographic movie - it’s jarring somehow - it’s not supposed to