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    I don’t know...an usher probably wouldn’t have the training (or gun) to deal with the man if a demon suddenly possessed him.

    Another fine representative of the Master Race. lol

    You suck - I wouldn’t waste a goddamn second on anyone that would even consider voting Republican at this point. Non-voters outnumber swing voters probably about 4 to 1. Show them there’s a difference between the two parties and give them a reason to vote. Your attitude is why the fucking country hasn’t progressed in

    Turn your speakers up, fair amount of laughter happening at the “punchline” around 40 seconds. Just enough laughter to make me wish the whole building had caught on fire and no one escaped.



    Yeah, but to me that’s similar to Zack Snyder’s shitty take on Superman when his mom tells him: “Be their hero, Clark...be anything they need you to be. Or be none of it. You don’t owe this world a thing.” What happened to the notion that with great power comes great responsibility? Sure Obama doesn’t OWE anybody

    Here’s what I have to say about every racist who suggests that having family or “loved ones” who are (e.g.) black somehow makes it impossible for them to be racist: All misogynists have women in their family - a lot of misogynists are MARRIED to women. Just because you’re willing to let some specific non-whites into

    I just jerked off to that!

    But here’s the thing - you could shit in your hand and throw it at the Trump and it would be nowhere NEAR the level of what he and the complicit GOP is doing to people right now, so I don’t think we have to worry about sinking to their level - it’s nearly impossible.

    Alright, we get it - you aren’t burdened with things like empathy and compassion - congratulations.

    Wait, so you’re saying nothing really matters, but, if anything maybe kinda matters a little...it’s STAR WARS? Buddy, c’mon.

    Now playing

    lol...nice - semi-related (“The Button”):

    Jeez, I never even noticed he’d dismissed me. After I so politely explained to him why he was being a dickhead! :P

    It’s true. Not to mention we’ve already found the fucking “witches”. The comparison would only work if back in the 1800s witches were flying around on broomsticks casting spells right in everybody’s faces.

    Right? And it’s not like they couldn’t afford to use at least a little lube.

    This is too much commenting about your own comments, sir. I can actually somewhat agree with your original post*, but then you continue on to make a whole lot of demands from a website you are a mere reader of, and a commentariat that owes you pretty much nothing. Again, I agree with a lot of the substance of your

    Jesus, she looks like someone who might, say, be the World’s Biggest Fan of an author, hobble him and force him to write a book about her favourite character.

    Stop false equivocating. Morons like you are going false equivocate yourself right into a fascist dictatorship. It’s not about differences of opinion - people like Miller are a physical threat to the safety of others - any action against him is an act of self-defense.

    Oh yeah, like “modernizing the nuclear arsenal”? Seeing a lot of benefit from that?