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    I do apologize for being rude - there’s no excuse - I’m sorry.

    Just read this after making basically the same point above. You definitely won this argument - congratulations on keeping it more light-hearted than I probably would have been able to. The fucked up notion that there is NO objective measurement of art and everyone’s opinion on art is equally valid is another one of

    So the Mona Lisa isn’t objectively better than my 3-year-old’s scribble? Fuck off.

    Oh and don’t forget, they also have to teach white people how not to be racist.

    (a) Like it’s fair to just expect racial minorities to wait it out; and
    (b) Like it’s sane to even think that anymore. 

    Why are you people allowing this shit to continue? How much longer before you cowards get your pitchforks?

    Why was there not bombastic laughter from the press when she said her credibility was higher than theirs - what the fuck is wrong with those guys?

    Happy Eagles fan, here - good for them. “Their president”. Fuck that.

    I feel like this is one of the rare instances where the free market should be allowed to decide. If you’re an anti-gay Christian baker and you think your business can survive refusing to make a gay wedding cake and all the attendant publicity, go for it. It’s kind of up to society to be appropriately punishing so as

    Kid’s gonna be a hell of a soccer player some day.

    Aww, I used to love those little cocktail swords.

    Funny, eh, how you just fucking know it sometimes.

    I feel like I’m missing something. Ivanka’s a total cunt, right?

    You’re a racist fucking cunt piece of shit. Fuck off.

    That maybe sounds like how cops would react in a country where possessing a firearm was illegal...

    Also didn’t notice

    That’s actually my biggest issue with the whole Solo movie. He should have been a charismatic asshole that only looked out for himself. He wasn’t supposed to become a “good guy” until he decided to go back and save Luke.

    Yeah, but if we actually let this movie inform how we view A New Hope, Han’s big turn isn’t really a surprise. In ANH, all we know about this dude is that he’ll do anything for money and once the Rebellion gives him his reward, he needs nothing more to do with them. His coming back to save Luke, which is, like, a

    “But, we’re still just curious who has owned it in the past?”

    I have to watch an ad for another movie before I watch the ad for a movie that I want to watch? My fucking commercials have commercials now???