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    Okay, how about x = cutting off someone’s arm. Pretty bad if it’s a psycho who just wants to make someone suffer. Pretty good if it’s a doctor trying to stop the spread of a deadly infection.

    Joining the chorus of people that don’t quite know why this makes them want to cry. Is it because the world is so dark?

    I’m sure there’s a fancy Latin philosophical term for what you’re doing here, but I don’t think “people with good intentions shouldn’t do X to bad people because other people with bad intentions might do X to good people” is a sound argument for never doing X.

    Though I do agree with pretty much everything you’re saying, there are parts of HamNo’s piece I agreed with as well. You’re absolutely right that Obama owes us nothing, and you’re right that a huge part of the population deserves nothing but a gigantic FUCK YOU from him, but I don’t think it’s totally unreasonable to

    He’s not a man-baby - he’s a boy-baby.

    This is a troubling way to talk about a 17-year-old boy, mass murderer or not.

    I’m totes smrt.

    Is that how buttholes work? Thanks for the tip! (that’s what I said!)

    Shit, no I wish it had have!

    I just donated $0.02 to her campaign via PayPal with gave me the opportunity to leave a lovely note. I wouldn’t want too many people to do it (pennies add up), and she probably won’t even see the note herself anyway, but it did feel kinda good. What a pig.

    Shitty situation, but hilariously told story. Thanks for the laugh after reading about this fucking white bullshit.

    As soon as you’re struggling with it, I’d say the choice is clearly to NOT change it!

    Jesus Christ, he can barely speak a coherent sentence.

    But Luke sacrificed himself to save the last vestiges of The Rebellion 2.0 - what more of a Hero Luke do you want?

    I certainly wouldn’t call you anything - I agree that it’s not the story I wanted for Luke either, but that being said, I’m glad they had the courage NOT to give me the story I wanted. The direction they’ve taken is maybe less fun, but it’s a lot more interesting.

    “...researching the idea of joking...”

    Why does permanent death = stakes? Even knowing ALL the deaths can and probably will be reversed doesn’t make HOW they do it any less interesting to me. Thanos is practically God now - HOW are they going to defeat him and/or make him reverse what he’s done? HOW?! That’s all the excitement I need. I’m GLAD pretty much

    No, I get you. I said, “Oh, sure man” and turned down my music. And I didn’t even consider there being any irony in it at the time, until I saw your comment and realized black people must get that shit all the time.

    Hey, the other day on the bus, a young black man told me MY headphones were too loud! Maybe it was my white-ass Beatles music (though let’s face it, without black musicians there would have been no Beatles)?

    This clock isn’t updated on a daily basis - a panel of already very busy people have to be able to coordinate a meeting, etc. - it very well may be set further from midnight at some point in the near future because you’re right, the Korea situation looks pretty good! That being said, tensions with Iran seem to be