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    Wow...Van Lathan...why are you working at TMZ? That was brilliant.

    That’s mostly fair enough, though I would hope you would concede that the way you introduced yourself into a conversation which had ended amicably, if not in agreement, belied a thoughtful critique of what I was saying. Even the way you frame my argument as having anything to do with “attacking a corpse” still seems

    One of my favourite movies is Cloud Atlas. In some ways it’s a bit of a mess, but, in addition to some beautiful little moments about love that always make me want to cry, the movie is about a real concept I find very interesting - how our actions ripple through time. It’s not because I’m looking for some sort of

    Wow, you can’t stop saying dumb shit. Pray tell, whose reality are YOU living in?

    Also there was literally a news story about that woman and her Barbara Bush tweet so what are you even talking about?

    Meh, you’re wrong. Get used to it.

    Cool, my own little troll!

    Fuck it sucks that he’s absolutely right about this.

    Huh, she didn’t even mention the wonky eye or heavy jaw or just generally being as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. I’d say she got off easy.

    The show probably needs more upskirts.

    Sorry but it’s true.

    I really like The Last Jedi but that is a great joke.

    Holy shit, The Long Walk! I thought I’d heard Stephen was never going to let them take a crack at that one. Will be very interesting to see if they can pull it off - one of my favourite King stories for sure!

    You know what else is weird and grating? Someone wandering into a conversation, making fun of it, and then saying something stupid and wrong.

    Wow, never even thought of that.

    Yeah, you’ve got a lot of rules for how much people need to say in order to justify saying anything. I’m not saying you’re wrong exactly - yes, elaboration and offering proactive solutions is BETTER - but I don’t think your expectations are fair. And we’re probably at an impasse as far as this goes.

    Not judging you, just sarcastically pointing out that you’re not quite living up to your own Christ-like standards. You seem like a smart, decent person - wrong about somethings, like being so good as to facilitate evil, but too good is always better than too bad.

    But you’re wrong. Telling the truth is always part of the solution. Take 3 statements one could make in the wake of Barbara Bush’s death.

    Oh, and what a virtuous and empathetic response this is. Can’t believe you’re a hypocrite on top of being an idiot.

    No, I’m sorry, I think Barbara Bush is an odious person, and I think there’s an objective argument for that, and you have to be “allowed” to make a counterpoint when a whole bunch of people start acting like she was a saint because she had the good graces to give up the ghost.