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    Because life is complicated you dumb shit.

    You’re being silly. You think the Bush’s read her tweets? She was “speaking” to her FOLLOWERS. People who ostensibly follow her because they are interested in what she has to say. When there’s a general societal waxing poetical about someone who was objectively an awful piece of shit who doesn’t deserve a public

    You’re a fucking idiot.

    And the fucking arrogance! “Baffling and spreading fiction”! Like you’re some kind of authority on the matter. You apparently haven’t studied it beyond your own gut feelings (so to speak) but this gigantic and growing body of scientific research is declared BY YOU to be a “spreading fiction”. lol It’s amazing.

    I’m sorry but you’re just plain wrong and ignoring mountains of data in, like, a fucking hundred different fields of study - psychology, genetics, sociology, economics, neurology, just to name a few broad categories.

    Yay, you’re the best at being obtuse, yay!

    Look you simple shit - there are also psychological reasons why the poor are fat that have nothing to do with how fucking GREAT capitalism is - you can’t be this stupid. In fact, the cheap garbage food and the overeating of it are mostly BECAUSE of capitalism.

    So simplistic and so stupid. They’re eating cheap heavily processed garbage food. The fat poor would be healthier if they were thin.

    “ANY kind of sensical writing”? Are you accusing this film of having NO sensical writing? Because I found characters behaved quite reasonably and sensically for the most part - at least for the fantastical situation they found themselves in. So let’s not pretend I or anyone would suggest that genre films are absolved

    Have to add this - not to brag - just so you know what’s possible. Here’s a breakdown of how much my wife’s pregnancy and childbirth cost in Canada, noting what is covered by my private insurance (group insurance through work - “free” but presumably salaries are adjusted accordingly) as opposed to our government

    But see, you should just stop with “great device for a horror movie”. “[P]lausible reason...glaring questions”... I feel the obsession with realism in horror/fantasy/sci-fi is a relatively recent phenomenon and I don’t get it.

    You’re missing the point of our discussion here. Your suggestion that TLJ’s Luke Skywalker actually SHOULD be as whiney as the OT’s Luke Skywalker is what I’m taking issue with. That TLJ is actually better for that fact. I would say that if you’re going to skip over 30 years of Luke’s story there could be a lot of

    Yeah, people don’t grow and develop as they get older! Once a whiner always a whiner is what I expect from my Jedi Masters!


    I wasn’t arguing about that, but I appreciate your brevity.

    Yepper -and they’ve got another funny song called “Todd and Janelle” referring to JC’s foster parents in T2.


    I just meant it’s kind of sad when someone goes on and on and on about a point they are completely missing. If you’re going to be wrong, be brief about it! At least this time you kept it to a paragraph.

    Now playing

    If you haven’t watched the music video “A New Beginning” by Wolfie’s Just Fine, do yourself a favour!

    4, 5 and 6 especially are actually pretty good and come up with some inventive twists and ways of making things fit in a non-cheaty way, but 7 (AKA Saw 3D) was so goddamn terrible I forsook the franchise forever. Like I had gone through some effort cobbling a blu-ray franchise collection together and I sold them all