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    I’ve been reading this comment thread with mixed feelings about your position on King’s journal entry and your thoughts on being a good teacher/student - I almost said some shitty things - instead I’ll just say you seem like a decent person trying to do her best out there. Good luck.

    Because lots of other people have different (and better) taste than you! :)

    Does anyone really think humanity will ever have a meaningful presence on Mars? Does that really seem like where things are headed for us? I mean, he’s got the right idea - only private enterprise is ever going to be willing to commit the resources to make it happen, but should they? I feel like putting those

    How about if you equate “more attractive” with “better” you’re a bit of a piece of shit?

    You are absolutely, 100% racist.

    Wait, you said “facts matter” and then you said a bunch of bullshit. What gives?

    No. Or yes, if you understand that the reason he/I/we hated Snyder’s “deconstruction” of Superman was because it was POORLY DONE. One is bad storytelling the other is good storytelling - it’s that simple really.

    Oh my god that “you don’t owe them anything” made my head explode. Superman is Superman BECAUSE of his parents. There’s one reason the most powerful thing on the planet is an altruistic protector of humanity instead of a malevolent dictator and that’s the parenting of Ma and Pa Kent. It’s probably the most

    That’s an appropriate level of terror.

    lol - well-played - I only have a wife and 3-year-old son but I recently made the joke of how I’d kill to be lonely for a couple days. You know what else? Bored. I can’t remember the last time I was bored.

    I’m not sure you understand how to use the term “Pollyanna” but thanks for trying! Have a swell day!

    That’s weird. I’m always hoping for good movies.

    Please. Technicalities aside, anyone who would suggest the “leader” (colloquially speaking at least) of Canada is The Queen of England has a strange concept of what “leader” means. I mean I would suggest that at the very least, a country’s leader does...something, anything?

    Wait, is the last paragraph of your post a joke, or are the other paragraphs a joke? They don’t match up.

    I’m with you. By any practical definition of the concept of a country’s “leader”, the Queen is not the “leader” of Canada - the Prime Minister is.

    I am surprised and disappointed that they so thoroughly separated the original main cast and so completely relegated them to supporting roles. Leia ignoring Chewie after Han’s death to hug Rey is a pretty good symbol of the overall way the new movies have treated the old characters versus the new. I certainly wouldn’t

    Not better, just different. Well, maybe better, I don’t know you that well! :P

    I’m not going to try to convince you to like the movie – it’s too bad you didn’t, especially when it’s Star Wars movie you probably wanted to love, but that’s how it goes. I will argue with what you’re characterizing as storytelling problems as opposed to matters of personal taste, especially when it comes to your

    Huh, cardboard cutout is how I’d describe the REAL Don Jr.

    In the best of situations monologuing on this topic is like walking into a minefield for a man (a rich man - even worse; a rich, white man - the worst), and I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that or crying any male tears - it’s just the way it is. It’s a subject that’s both delicate and skull-crushingly