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    So you needed what? Rey being Obi-Wan’s granddaughter would have made you cum? Luke’s daughter? What? Snoke is...what? What would have been so satisfying? Palpatine’s boyfriend?

    You think they didn’t answer those questions because they were “too hard”? Beyond ridiculous. You know what’s lazy? Making comments in a comments section about how lazy people are. I know filmmaking isn’t like crab fishing or mining or some other hard labour, but very few LAZY people have made a feature-length film.

    Up front: White, less racist than most and trying to be better. Unfortunately this does fall under the category of a “Help out a White person” question and I apologize in advance for that. So... I understand why this is offensive but to me it’s a conundrum:

    So would I be reading that graphic correctly if I said the picture is making it look roughly 25% closer to the Earth than it actually is?

    Wut? I don’t recall Ebert starting off his reviews with “This movie bought some advertising in the newspaper/television channel I’m reviewing it for.” Are you...what’s the politically correct term...retarded?

    You’re both being silly. Maybe a destructive, exploitative species like us is exactly the kind of species these beings are roaming the universe trying to help. Jeez, you can’t even think outside your own stupid human brain type thinking - maybe WE wouldn’t help out assholes but that’s because WE ARE assholes.

    I get it, man, and who knows, maybe I would have liked it even more had it been more loyal to my nostalgia. Had the Old Gang still been together having fun new adventures. That was the continuation of the Saga I always dreamed of.

    Shit, I never really thought of Lucas. I mean, I loved the movie BECAUSE it subverted my expectations. I’m sure I would have loved to see, e.g., Luke do some serious Jediing or, as was my theory, Rey turning out to somehow be a reincarnation of Anakin, but I can also laugh at myself and my expectations and get a lot

    Can I just say, though I don’t really agree with you (or not that I don’t agree - it’s hard to argue with what you’re saying, the problems you have just aren’t problems for me), I really appreciate how you are discussing it. You are a shining example of how people should discuss movies on the internet - I’m exactly

    When I read through some comments on various sites I noticed a few saying they would rather sit through 10 hours of JarJar Binks (or something like that) doing his stuff then actually see this movie again let alone buy it on blueray, if that doesn’t say something I don’t know what will.

    Hmmm, growing that lamb in its own sous-vide bag is a work of a genius. From the womb to your table!

    Funny how “not meaning to” doesn’t make you any less of a condescending asshole.

    Oh fuck off with telling people why they liked a movie you condescending asshole.

    I’m no wine conasir but those aerator jobbies actually work wonders.

    Yeah, you sound like a well-socialized individual.

    My brother-in-law is Jewish. We call him the Little Jew Who Loved Christmas. Okay? Okay.

    I’m trying to help you better discuss film with other human beings, you fucking tron. It’s how you chose to discuss the film that annoyed me. Why would I care if someone was “right” or “wrong” about a movie I love, any more then I care if someone loves a movie I don’t (though I actually care a bit - I like seeing

    Furthermore, douchebag, here’s a quote: “Star Wars movies are massive failures in anything outside of being impressive technical demos.” So are you saying we love a massive failure or we love an impressive technical demo? Because you’re definitely saying at least one of those things - because, you know, words mean

    Oh god, you are so fucking high on yourself.

    Too long, but I did read. I’m left wondering: what is the point? Why do you feel the need to come on a site like this and write a manifesto on why Star Wars doesn’t do it for you? I don’t begrudge people their opinions - I 100% get why people wouldn’t like Star Wars - but it’s annoying when someone tries to tell other