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    WHOA. Not true. Feelings are frequently stupid. Hell, they’re almost by definition stupid. Stop thinking so highly of feeling feelings. We aren’t really all that good at it. Evolutionarily, they are very good at helping extend our lives, but they make it much more difficult to enjoy them.

    I don’t want to sound like an asshole here because you seem like a good guy and this is a civil conversation, but I think better storytelling is having your character put in a situation where they have to make a real choice rather than an impossible one, or as it was in this case, really an easy one. Kill a villain or

    Agreed - Whedon and Snyder are two very distinct voices - difficult to harmonize. They needed to bring in a backup vocal not another lead singer.

    I think that, for the moment, the best thing about this Rian Johnson Trilogy is that it shows how confident the studio execs are that Episode VIII is going to be great.

    Yeah, but you’re wrong. It was certainly the best LOOKING Superman - in terms of his physical presence and how his superpowers are presented - totally awesome, no argument there. But Superman the character? Not even really close. I did really like that they focussed on his alien-ness. And some of the two fathers stuff

    But here’s the wonderful thing about a fictional narrative - there are writers who can control what happens in it. A writer could also have set up the situation where a villain made Superman fuck a baby to death or the whole planet would be destroyed. Don’t paint your character into a corner simply to make him behave

    Yeah, I can’t really show my work, but the equation definitely boils down to you = asshole. Maybe you can reverse engineer it.

    This conversation actually seriously has me questioning the morality of selling cards to kids. I have a 3-year-old who might be interested in stuff like Magic Cards at some point down the road and I’ve about made up my mind that I’m going to steer him away from such dopamine pursuits. I’ll dust off my couple thousand

    You are now making a strong case for making collectible card packs illegal or at least age-restricted as well. I was 100% addicted to buying CCG and trading cards in my youth and I can now recognize that what I was experiencing was VERY similar to the buzz of gambling.

    Get away with what, trying to be funny? We have to look at the situation practically. Even as a man I’m not entirely against the premise that all men are bad to some degree and that the world would be better off without us. But practically I think we’re here to stay -at least until we take everyone else out with us.

    No, you’re not wrong! It really is worse to whip out your dick and masturbate in front of unwilling women than it is to take a picture of you mock-groping a (possibly mock-)sleeping lady in a comedic context. I’m not saying what he did is OKAY but there has to be a fucking hierarchy of this poor behaviour or it

    Man I love Cloud Atlas so damn much.

    I also rescued a cat from a tree once so fuuuck you.

    Take it easy... I bought my ticket weeks ago so seeing it has never been in doubt and as I’m comic-wise more of a DC guy than a Marvel guy (basically based on the former having my two favourite characters and the latter only one), I certainly WANT these movies to be good, I’m certainly not going to take one sunshine-y

    YES!!! Jesus fuck, asking someone you barely know in a workplace environment if they want to have sex is fucked up in the context of even just the run-of-the-mill societal male/female power dynamic. Doing it on the subway pretty fucking bad as well. Doing it in a bar with a woman who’s been checking you out - now

    No no no just stop. You’re saying you’re not confused and then you’re acting all confused. You personally don’t ask out people you work with because you feel it’s inappropriate. Simply asking out probably isn’t so bad, but much better to err on the side of caution, you’re doing great. So if you think asking a woman at

    This sounds...problematic. If you’re going to call your movie “Bitch” it better have some important things to say about women. Sounds like this movie should have been called “Dickhead”. And, like, the husband is forced to walk around with a literal dick head until he learns to stop being such a dickhead.

    Except in this instance it was:

    Obviously we can’t internalize every horrible tragedy that takes place in the world and the overexposure to these stories inevitably leads to some desensitization, but it’s gotten to the point as a Canadian looking down (in at least two senses of the word) at you people and your

    Hey! Infuriating hyperactive asshole interviewing the Justice League actors! The answer is always: computers. Okay?! “How’d they do that?” Computers. “What it look like when you were doing that?” Stupid, okay? It looked stupid. I swear to God this asshole time-traveled here from 1950. “How’d you do that thing where