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    No, you could ban them outright with the harshest punishments for those that continue to own or sell them. That would be a start. It would help.

    “Plus it sounds like the guy had a clean record, so...”

    Is there still a new Star Wars movie coming out this December? I’m getting a little nervous.

    Nice! I appreciate that! Lots of people on the NowInStock comment board (which honestly was helpful in me getting my hands on ONE) talking about how they got a bunch - all for nieces and nephews for Christmas or whatever which, even if true, still really sucks for all of the people who were excited to get one for

    I got in line at a local gamestore about a half-hour before they opened. I got Ticket 31. Ticket 33 was the last one at that location so I cut it a little close, but I probably would’ve been able to get one on Amazon if I’d missed out. I really hope asshole scalpers have to sell them at cost. This kind of release

    Sorry let me make sure I get the level of stupid I’m dealing with here. You think the names of people in that group make for a narrowed down list of potential threats? You’re saying ALL of the potential threats to the president would be contained in that list?

    Yeah, like as much as I know it’s not nearly the best game on the system, the first thing I want to play is Contra III - put a lot of time into that puppy and not sure I ever actually beat it...

    Why do YOU think they even want the data? I’ll take off my tinfoil hat so I can hear you properly.

    Affect is usually a verb (exception - a noun, something like: His fake British accent was an affect he used to pick up gullible women in bars). In your sentence it’s what you should have used instead of “effects”.

    Having just got on board the Rick & Morty train a few months ago I’ve been completely stunned by the quality of writing. I’m a fan of basically all the truly great TV shows of the past 30 years and some classic ones going back to The Honeymooners, and I’m hard-pressed to point to any of them as being BETTER than Rick

    Right, and sometimes people get drunk and smash their car into a kid that would have grown up to be a serial killer. Just because something has a theoretically good result doesn’t make the bad behaviour any less bad. And “it’s not that bad” is still bad. Why are you defending even a little bit bad? I’d like to see us

    But see there you’re skirting even the NEW profit model. Assuming you’re talking about legal YouTube channels those often cost you 5 - 15 seconds of watching an advertisement and/or you’re not giving them their “view”. Also, not up to you to decide what’s illegal or not and though I’m all for defying unjust laws (to

    Not sure how that applies to me but yeah, okay, good on ya.

    By definition, I guess? Here’s the thing - to not call it crime is also wrong by definition. Is there a moral difference between stealing someone’s car and downloading an album? OF COURSE. Is there a moral difference between stealing ALL of the music you listen to and buying a lot of albums but stealing the occasional

    I take a hard line on “people stealing things they don’t actually NEED” and suddenly I’m a “black and white” guy who needs to learn things? I’m well aware of the moral complexities of the world, son, if you want to talk about people with no money stealing food to feed their families I’m all ears, but if you want to

    Most criminals are very good at justifying their criminal behaviour. I didn’t read a single word you wrote after “as a former pirate” because it is 100% guaranteed to be bullshit.

    “And while I have nothing against running a business. Don’t hold up the decoy of “fairly compensating the creators” when those very creators aren’t going to benefit or suffer from sales nor pirated content either way. Not directly nor indirectly.”

    Right and people with I guess, what, more balls and less self-delusion, carry that to the next logical conclusion of just taking other people’s more tangible shit?

    And, also, Bullshit!

    This seems kinda gross. “We heard this rumour and then someone repeated the rumour and then the accused denied the rumour and then someone else repeated the rumour and then someone else repeated the rumour...”