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    I’m not sure which I care about less: seeing things about Han Solo I already knew about, or things I didn’t already know about...

    Oh, but if you want to talk plot holes, any idea why they couldn’t have sent whatever the hell technology they wanted to encased in some kind of meat?

    I always wondered about the older ancestors angle myself but I think I just figured out a plausible explanation why they wouldn’t do that: Killing Sarah in 1984 or John in 1994 would run very little risk of upsetting the timeline to the point where SkyNet doesn’t end up getting invented. Go back much further and the

    I don’t know why anyone would ever assume that.

    Is denying being a Scientologist cool with the Scientology peeps? Seems like not, which leads me to believe they not.

    Remember when you never had to explain to someone where you got a Simpsons joke from? Fucking Millennials... :P

    But women of all colour are being killed by men of all colour because they are viewed as objects - at a FAR greater rate than black men being killed because they are viewed as animals. I agree that the latter is also a beyond-words horrible thing - and the anger and sadness I feel as a white guy in Canada, I mean, I

    If you’re speaking strictly in terms of the American experience the level of oppression experienced by women versus people of colour might be too close to call...probably not though really. Far more women of all races are killed by men in their lives than black men are killed by police so just looking at that...I

    Congratulations! Yours is the comment that sealed the deal for me NOT clicking on that link! You’ve won some good karma or something!

    I appreciate your thoughtful answer - revisionist history is certainly a Marvel thing so (as you allude to) that’s a flimsy reason at best - but considering the Caucasian-looking roles include “Secretaries”, I don’t think realism is a mitigating factor here at all. I guess I would hope that the scene is maybe playing

    Well the first thing that jumped out to me was “Caucasian looking”.

    Wow, another comment focusing on the SIZE discrimination of this casting call.

    SIZE discrimination is what we’re going to focus on here?

    Unfortunately that wouldn’t help me and my “big legs” issue - got anything for that?

    How do we come together as a nation to determine where exactly Steve Mnuchin should be positioned on the public beheading list? He’s feeling more and more like a Top 10 kinda guy these days.

    I live in Canada - not having cable basically means not having football and I had to cut the pricey cords after my son was born a few years ago. This year I got a Roku, have a bit of extra cash and was finally going to subscribe to NFL Game Pass and start watching football with my boy. I’m an Eagles fan.

    Is there a word for bragging and whining at the same time? Brining?

    I’ll never know for sure what happened because I wasn’t there, but I do know with 100% certainty that you’re a cunt.

    I don’t KNOW anything so I’m not going to declare him guilty or not-guilty, but I always thought this rumour had been widely debunked. Plus his comedy is pretty self-aware and he seems to know how essentially “gross” he looks - he really doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would think he’d get anywhere with that