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    Enjoy being a cunt your whole life.

    And to actually refute one of your numbnutted points, no, it’s not the same. Like I already alluded to, those “good reasons” for white racism you point out are all the direct result of white racism. Especially fucking crime stats where black people are more likely to be arrested/convicted for the same shit white

    Bending over backwards? Ok. Look I’m not going to debate what I know to be true with you. If your life is so fucking shitty that you’re unable to look past your own problems far enough to recognize the unique problems of others - if your life is so shitty your privilege isn’t apparent to you - I almost feel bad for

    I mean, you’re over-simplifying/generalizing - for starters I’d change it to “racism can be UNDERSTANDABLE and JUSTIFIED based on the color of your skin” - but I’d say you’re at least a little closer to an understanding of the truth than you were before.

    Hey fuckwit - do you have any awareness of history? Do you understand context? Is it racist for a black person to say they mistrust white people? By definition, yeah. But the difference, you see, is that where white-on-black racism is the product of lies/ignorance and/or conditions created entirely because of

    I agree, and there’s so many of them. Sadly, most of my friends included. So easy for white people to extol the virtues of non-violence when it’s not the value of their very lives being trampled on. Violence never solves anything? That’s funny, from my view of history, with the very rarest exception of a few special

    The jokes on you buddy: We only have to put up with your sad comments for a few minutes; you have to be you every miserable fucking day of your life! No happy person is on here making comments like you. Not. One. I KNOW this about you. You’ve revealed your very sensitive vulnerabilities to all these strangers you

    Please God, no. I already LIVE in a series about Donald Trump - TV is my only escape to some semblance of reality.

    Who’s trolling? I think you’ve got a shitty outlook on life and I said so. You’re on here sharing your garbage-person POV and I’m sharing mine.

    Ope, look over here folks, a right-wing, property-rights-over-human-rights, dumbcunt saying stupid shit! Imagine!

    I get this and I totally respect it, but I do wish you guys (in particular, but pretty much everyone really) would stop just about completely refusing to pay for media/art and think it’s not stealing and that there’s nothing wrong with it. I liken it to if you really love going to the art gallery and you always go on

    Batman and Wonder Woman are mourning over Superman’s grave? God these movies are dumb.

    You’re reading it as some sort of defense - he’s saying 45 degrees. 45. Get it?

    You’re reading it as some sort of defense - he’s saying 45 degrees. 45. Get it?

    Once you’ve accepted the existence of souls it seems equally plausible that some people have no souls doesn’t it? Hell maybe our descent into extinction is the result of way more people with only so many souls to go around.

    Yeah, but being Anti-Muslim isn’t a political view.

    If someone holds up their arm and says, “I believe that entire groups of people are subhuman and should be exterminated,” they should immediately be killed in self-defense of humanity.

    Wrong again. You can absolutely claim the moral high ground if you’re the one punching a Nazi and not the Nazi being punched.

    A Nazi salute is provocation. A Nazi salute is an act of violence and people have a right to defend themselves.

    Or punch them in their stupid fucking faces and make them think twice about Nazi saluting in public again.