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    It wasn’t random. He was Nazi saluting and he got punched for it. Very specific. And good.

    Go fuck yourself pussy. How is anyone supposed to have thoughtful discussion when this shit is going on?

    Good to know. I am 100% for violence against neo-Nazis.

    Oh wow, no actually you’re comparison is way off and the thought process of a racist twat. Fuck you, racist.

    Time to start looking inward, big boy, there’s probably a lot of neo-nazi and klan causes you agree with when you really think about it.

    Don’t you hate it when someone is right at that point where they’re smart enough to think they’re smart, but way too fucking stupid realize they actually aren’t very. You can’t help but just want to intellectually slap them down hard, but it probably isn’t worth it - he thinks he KNOWS things.

    Stop, stop, stop. You’re not smart. You don’t have anything interesting to say. Please don’t write 300 more words. It’s too fucking boring, man. You’re not going to convince actual smart people to surrender to hate and ignorance, so give it up you vacuous twat.

    Oh fuck, look at you. Just smart enough to think you know something but way too fucking stupid to realize how much you don’t know.

    Yes, actually. There isn’t a smart, decent person alive who would continue to protest alongside fucking white supremacists when that protest was about a fucking statue. If I’m protesting and the group I’m with starts chanting White Power shit, I’m gettin the fuck out.

    Bullshit. You are racist.

    Well, I’m not sure if we should classify that as Artificial or Superficial Intelligence, but either way, it sucks!

    Ehn, Trump has seen bigger.

    Dual authorization for the physical launch - the dual authorization of two people who are under orders to execute the order of the Commander and Chief - their absolute willingness to do so being a key part of the foundation upon which the entire MAD “strategy” is built upon. The POTUS has the authority to

    I guess the distinction I’d ask to made is that cowardly does not equal scumbag. Their are situations where one side is deliberately not fulfilling the other’s basic, reasonable needs (and sex is included but at the bottom of that list) and yes, the other should just end it, but instead they have those needs fulfilled

    Have you ever been in a fucking relationship you self-righteous, judgmental ass? You realize there are two people in a relationship right? And they BOTH have to put in some love and effort and compromise and selflessness and consideration in order for the relationship to work? And if one of those parties is totally

    Ugh you pet pussies are one of the things wrong with this world. Giving up a pet for whatever reason you choose doesn’t make you a bad person. The animal is fine in its new home. They aren’t people. Better than people in a lot of ways because they’re so damn good at living in the moment.

    Let me help you with the math:

    “Scores” of people? You realize Seoul proper has a population of almost 10 million, with an additional 15 million in the immediate surrounding area, and North Korea has enough conventional artillery aimed at the city to practically level it? Just saying, don’t say “scores” when you mean “thousands”, if not hundreds of

    I think you’d have to make it somewhat need-based right? Oprah Winfrey wouldn’t get them - some sort of non-monetary acknowledgement would be appropriate in that case. It might not come (exclusively) in the form of direct payment either - there are a lot of mostly black communities that could benefit from a cash

    I would also like to know the answer to this question! I’m interested but have no clue where to start!