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    God, you’re the second person I’ve seen claiming the tweet is actually funny. Like an 8-year-old girl at an Ariana Grande concert, humour is truly dead.

    And it’s not that I WANT the guy’s life ruined - I just can’t really argue with the mechanisms for how it ends up ruined so ultimate blame comes down on the individual who made the comment in the first place.

    “I just don’t think someone should be fired, face death threats, etc., because of a bad joke.”

    The problem with your analysis is that it doesn’t really take into account the changes in technology and economy. In this guy’s case he makes money from advertisers buying into the idea that people like him and will buy their stuff if he promotes it. He then says something pretty gross (and most unforgivably to me,

    Wow, really? For me the tweets only really deserve reproach because they are so horribly unfunny. If you can make a genuinely clever joke about a horrible tragedy, I can forgive it, but that was hack-y bullshit.

    “What’s shocked me most however was not the bombing, or the trolling, but the people on twitter who were trending #PrayForAriana, not caring for the victims of the attack but for a singer who was probably the first to be evacuated.”

    You mean “her son”?

    Jesus, Paul, no one’s trying to force you to do anything. Why is it any skin off your sack to just take the kinder approach to life? Like, no one’s asking you not to think, “you’re a fucking freak” if that’s all your brain is capable of when it comes to dealing with people you don’t understand. No one’s feelings get

    How do you cut through Fox News and the fucking Facebook news filters (let alone the Russian fake news)? There are millions of people who weren’t even getting the message. That’s what I’m afraid Democrats are still missing from all this - the message was never the problem - getting the message heard is the problem

    Ooph, practicing law in the US ain’t what it used to be, huh?

    This is surprising because MoS, BvS:DoJ and SS, but not surprising because Gal Gadot. I think she might have the charismatic might to carry the entire DCEU on her shoulders until they find their footing. She was certainly the least problematic aspect of BvS - I’m hopeful!

    What’s a Conversion Magician?

    My wife was just over 34 when “we” got pregnant. Her doctor recommended the amniocentesis - not that I was even necessarily opposed to having a kid with Down’s Syndrome - I know it’s not an easy road but I’ve known some people with Down’s Syndrome that had lives worth living - but it seemed like the thing to do - we

    “Unknowingly” lol

    I agree. It’s the protocol of psychological warfare is what it is. “Here’s what happens to black boys when they fuck with the police - take a good look.” Disgusting.

    I mean, don’t get the wrong idea, but Germans just might be a superior people to Americans. In every conceivable way.

    Relax everybody, he’ll be in prison soon!

    “SECOND shortest presidential term, thank you very much!” -William Henry Harrison

    Thanks! I’ll check em out!

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