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    Christ, Ridley sounds about as bored about the prospect of more Alien prequels as I am.

    I’m stunned! What a fucking little brat! Jesus Christ, apparently the man-babies in politics crisis isn’t localized to the US.

    Wow, I guess Comey really did deserve it! lol

    In all that claptrap you just spewed there was not one convincing argument for why all children should not have healthcare. I live in a country that makes America look like a toxic waste dump full of mutants - it’s called Canada - and though I’m sure there are a few greedy fuckwits like you here, as a society we all

    I was going to say the exact same thing - making the sauce separate from the noodles is a sure-fire way to turn that K-Mac&Cheese up from a 2 to a 3.

    Go to the Just for Laughs Gags YouTube channel - it’s a Montreal group affiliated with the International Comedy Festival Just for Laughs. It’s been televised here in Canada for almost 20 years. They even work with the local police using their uniforms and cars for some. They’re so great - always end with the pranked

    I agree - take some booze/drug money out of his aupporters’ hands (positive), take some strain off the PD (positive) and hire a lawyer who there’s no way in hell will get him off this cut and dry case (positive)! Hopefully the judge uses the opportunity to maximize the public good of his sentence and gives this tool

    For starters, if you’re into good storytelling there really aren’t many better than King. This is not deep, hard-hitting stuff, but he will make you know and care about characters and make very interesting, often terrifying, things happen to them. Definitely no required supplemental reading to get into The Dark Tower,

    Just a friendly reminder that, in Canada, after we had our baby (total cost $120 - the $30/day extra we paid to upgrade to a private room), my wife had an entire year off at 55% of her gross (4 months of which was topped up by her employer to 95% of her gross). I can honestly say I’ve never once complained about the

    Well finally some GOOD dinosaur news! ;)

    Oh yeah, and Plesiosaurus, but he was an asshole.

    This is an outrage! When I was growing up (in the 80s) there were exactly 8 kinds of dinosaurs known to science - Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Brontosaurus (fuck you Apatosaurus), Stegosaurus, Pteranodon, Ankylosaurus, Duck-billed-saurus and Head-butty-saurus. Now we got all these new-fangled shitty little

    Pretty gnarly - I’m not huge on handling insects but ever since my 2.5 year-old watched me hold a tarantula at a traveling exotic animal show (I did some checking and I think the ethics are pretty sound - seems to be made up of unwanted pets that can’t be released back into the wild) he’s been obsessed with holding a

    Ohhh my.

    Nice. I’m only famous for my run robberies.

    Are you on drugs?

    WRONG. Not the best way to handle ANYone’s viewpoint. Some yes. Some who are open to new information and who actually have considered principles and who aren’t just “debating” you purely for the attention. Also some people’s viewpoints aren’t worth debating. Why the fuck would I waste one red second “debating” a

    “I’m pretty liberal and not a fan of going to war unnecessarily. I was in favor of Afghanistan and against Iraq.”

    Wait, who ever tried to take the country over?

    lol...I was wondering when Tweedledum would show up.