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    Hey thanks, appreciate that - I was totally imagining it as it’s pronounced in like “doofus”.

    Jesus, I can barely believe that families with both parents only earning $20K a year even exist. My wife and I make about $90K combined (in Canada, so after taxes, net is more like $65K) and it seems like a constant struggle - can’t even imagine cutting that in half and trying to get by. Our daycare is about

    Can we start a GoFundMe campaign offering a reward for the first interviewer to ask Trump a question like, “How do you respond to the assertion of some critics that your mouth looks like a puckered anus?” I’ve tired of seeing him get so much respect.

    What makes a man get that haircut/style? I’m not really like a non-conformist rebel-type guy or trend-phobic or whatever but I just have never tailored my look to what was maybe considered fashionable at the time. I’ve got a thick head of straight, fine hair, so I’ve always had to put some kind of hair shit in it for

    GREAT idea

    :) And sorry - shouldn’t have put words in your mouth!

    Um, s/he’s implying you’re racist. Seems kind of obvious.

    First, since there’s going to be a lot of shitting on kids here, let me just say, as someone who was very uncertain of having kids and how devoted to parenting I’d be, but who finally relented, it was the best choice I/we ever made. Uncertainty out the window - I love him and it’s more amazing than I ever thought

    I’m a parent and I love my kid to death. But as a sort of general, over-arching rule I would say I kind of hate kids. Like other kids Ages 0-2 I don’t feel animousity towards - I’m mostly just glad they’re not my problem. Ages 3-8 can be kinda fun because you can fuck with their heads and they’re small enough to swat

    Seriously. Like, what makes US think we want to be found? I’d like to write an anthology called “Turn Out the Lights” that’s 100 short stories of alien civilizations discovering us and doing bad things to us.

    lol - and we’re done with HISTORY! Yay! History has no effect on the present! We’re all just equal now! Fucking dumbass.

    Fun fact, fuckface: lack of education and extreme poverty in the black community are caused by a history and present of being fucked with by policies perpetrated by...da-da-da-daaaah...you guessed it...WHITE PEOPLE! The group overwhelmingly in charge of taking care of the welfare and education of ALL the people of the

    Ugh, I’m just seeing your stupid post about BLM and police violence above - you are boring and uninteresting to me - I have no interest in discussing anything with a little closet Trump-fan/racist - gross little piece of shit.

    You think I’m just talking about his stance on illegal immigration you naive little twat? Piss off.

    You think I’m just talking about his stance on illegal immigration you naive little twat? Piss off.

    All Trump supporters ARE racists. It may not be what motivates them; it may not even be something they are consciously aware of, but supporting Trump means you either don’t think or don’t care about the plight - both current and potential - of various minority groups in America. Ignorance is no excuse - failing to

    Oh shit, if I hadn’t read you comment I would have totally thought Trump said that.

    I won’t call you stupid but I will say you have a stunning lack of imagination. I can think of one better way to take the shine off a teenager’s sparkling fascination with the allure of a “forbidden” gun right off the bat - and I’m just spitballing here - but how bout show them a picture of a 5-year old with its head

    You are confusing my efficiency for laziness. Adding more guns to the equation is a fucking idiotic “solution”. I just re-read your post and it immediately gave me a slight headache.

    Jesus Christ please tell me that article is a joke written by Bret Easton Ellis.