NYC ... home of the fat toppling pitchers and cranes
NYC ... home of the fat toppling pitchers and cranes
Late convert. That rant on the Pulse massacre ... it should be required viewing for American school children.
Marte ... “Damn, that was my favorite bat.”
affront to the integrity of the game of soccer ... yea, soccer, it’s the best ....
Shut up hippie
I didn’t like him until he sicked his dogs on his mother-in-law and her infant son. Then I was all like ... “Bruh”
A bat weight for my dong. That’s not a bat weight.
win, so stars. still, no one likes a know-it-all.
If Curry is the 1st to deserve a unanimous ranking as MVP, it’s only because the quality of the NBA has deteriorated so greatly since Jordan pissed in the skulls of the entirety of the NBA. Bulls .... Bulls .... Bulls ... Bulls .... Bulls .... Bulls ...Bulls .... Bulls .... Bulls ...Bulls .... Bulls .... Bulls…
He fits nicely with your team.
The allure of Star Wars trailers is like the allure of Donald Trump. A minority of crazy assholes think they’re the best thing since hot-buttered corn, the rest of the world thinks it’s a hot mess.
This is the most telling narrative of this election, and it’s on Kinja! I throw up a tad whenever I think of pulling the lever for Hillary. Decades of bad decisions, gutlessness, and bullshitting. But do I really want to be the one that stayed home from the polls when the U.S. officially becomes I fiery shit show? I…
Other times when you should stop talking after saying something like “I really don’t want to get into the politics of it..” include “This might sound racist but,” “This probably will seem antisemitic,” and “This may make me sound like an asshole ....”
Please go on…
While you are only now seeing this douchesack for the first time, it actually formed 20-douche years ago and is just becoming visible to us now.
Raining balls on himself
Or all sports for that matter. “Two Guards, One Stanley Cup”
If you weren’t a hack blog journalist, you would have LexisNexised the shit out of that to reveal that the lower case ‘d’ is indeed incorrect, and also that Horny babes get wetter with every orgasm!
Does Philly ever look at itself and ask, “Oh, god, I’m pathetic, aren’t I?” No, no it does not.
Why would Cincinnati/Pittsburgh residents behave any differently at a game than they do at home?