
The same is happening at the Department of Homeland Security. Nobody is answering.


You’re talking about the middle-aged woman who wore Adam Ant’s concert gear to the inauguration of an American president?

That was last year ... you can piss in a battery mold and freeze it now, providing the benefit of a realistic battery toss, with the bonus of ... you know, it’s your own Philly fan piss.

Yeah, we all did. Eat shit, go punch a retarded child. Just don’t make us watch.

Here we go ... oh wait, it’s just an asshole.

The internet killed long-form journalism, until it didn’t. Spectacular.

Is this supposed to make me not like her? This is stupid news.

To be fair, Ford was elected and Trump hasn’t been elected to anything ever. So it’s more like comparing a sprained ankle to being threatened with a shot gun, for about a year, and living with the trauma for years afterward.

Fucking Canada, bastard of a whore ... I’m gonna punch you right in your fucking face.  

weak ... so weak

St. Louis is a suburb of Chicago.

It’s not San Francisco or St. Louis you dildo.

This ... yes! NYT is the absolute worst. Even Jason Gay, a brilliant WSJ writer, sadly succumbed to tired cliche about the Cubs. I’ve read these stories for decades (yes, the Cubs have sucked for decades, I know). It’s lazy and hack and the NYT is falling back on ‘trending’ stories that have long since fallen from

A note from the selfish Cubs fan ... that was the ticket I drew in my season ticket pool. So conflicted, even this morning.


All I kept thinking during that clip was. “Boo .... boo ... bow down to the queen of slime, the queen of refuse!

Thought I had accidentally been Rick-rolled by Readers Digest. Jalopnik be like “Get off my lawn!”

Right, good thing the sport’s put that nonsense behind it (2016). Don’t bring out that weak shit here.

Cuntface shitstain .... of what comment of HRC are you speaking? Eat a bag of dicks and sig heil to all your basement buddy circle jerks, not the rest of the thinking world, you drunk rag ass cunt. You don’t even belong on the internet.