
How is it not possible to turn off revenge mode as a pro? That’s the playoffs ... nope, can’t do it. Well done Cincy shitheels, well done. Back to where you belong.

Plural RBI is more of a dead language than Latin. Time to discover fire cave boy.

You’d have to knock on your mom’s bedroom door, the AP is knocking in some RBIs on your mom.

left head kick or snake eye, Rousy was going to fall.

Oh my god, just catching up w/ this fight now. Deadspin just informed me that Rousy’s face looked like that in the second round. I thought it was a tie and this match went int0 7 extra rounds to settle it. That was one large-ass, rapid beat down.

Replied to wrong post. Hanging head in shame.

Yet, like hebdo, you make your point in the wake of a tragedy, a little swipe with blood still being mopped up. You’re a hypocrite, and on such a small scale. How do you say insignificant in French?

This is the gutter drunk list, yes?

You should register to vote ... just so you can up your game and stand up for something. That kid got plenty of leeway in a rapidly escalating situation. Sometimes people in paper hats have to take a stand against repeated assaults by an asshat. That being said, it looks like said asshat is bordering on mental

And then the drunken d-bags came for me. C’mon lil’ Jimmy, sometimes the common man must deliver justice on the floor of a fast-food restaurant.

No sympathy for this. But this is veering into mental illness. He needs meds, not mac n’ cheese.

There is no league in any universe that would not have played it the way the front office did. Bryant is over it, he knows this is how the game is played. He’s going to be filthy stinking rich and if he doesn’t get caught up in the bullshit “respect” merry-go-round, he’s very likely to find his brass mug on the wall

Holy fuck, I’m reading this hours later and I want to go back in time and choke you out. Shut up ... shut up ... shut up

OK, you’re right. Now shut the fuck up. Fucking insufferable.

The wave and holding the elderly under the water in the bathtub until they expire. If I had to choose between the two as two which makes you hate fun, it would be the wave at baseball games.

Fuck yeah!

You’re talking about those months when the torture program and plans to launch a war on a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 were being planned? You must get all roasty thinking about the final solution or the trains running on time in Italy. Eat a bag of dicks war and torture romanticizer.