Soggy Burrito

I’m going to tackle them all out of order...

You sir won the Internet back in 1986.

I always thought it was about teenage Raistlin.

I went to a twitter feud the other night, and a hockey app broke out.

But she’s always been evil. Her whole thing is she deserves to rule Westeros because of who her shitty, evil father was. She’s Ivanka Trump with Jon Snow as her useless, dumbfaced Jared Kushner.

Why would anyone have any interest in watching the video? This seems like using “free speech” and “we have a right to see public evidence” just to shame and point at a rich old man, which nobody needs video evidence to do.

Not enough stars for this.

No, he’s spade.

That’s why you are always the first one invited.

Mr. Vanech’s claim is without merit.

In Eminem’s origin story he’s bit by a radioactive Summer’s Eve.

I wouldn’t cross one of Putin’s sleeper agents, either.

I think it would be a true delight to hear Tony call one of his own games from back in the day on ESPN Classic or something

Best Tony prediction of the night had to have been “If Andy Reid is smart, he’ll call the timeout here”

Look this is the North fuckin’ Shore, not some goddamned decorum :-P

No shrieks in the Champaign Room?  

They are not victims.  They went on the prowl and got burned. Warn your sons to keep their continence.

“Color me unsurprised.”

[derek daly voice]well, well, well[/derek daly voice]

Fox Ruins Another Round Of Golf, At Least Doesn’t Bring Joe Buck This Time