Soggy Burrito

What makes TRC powerful is that is a statewide office. It was also the easiest statewide job to get. A stepping stone if it were. Texas politics may have changed since I left Texas. When I left in 1995 Rick Perry did not talk like GWB. He was also really tight with Lena Guerrero*

* that whole business should be a

In Texas both are elected. In 2000 (which gave us GWB) the Lt Gov had been in his position for a brazilian years. And for the record. I’m sure the Gov of Texas could do more if he like wanted to.  That’s just how it was when I lived there before my exile.

Gov Abbot won’t stand for it!

Texas has a weak Governor system anyway. It’s the Lt. Governor that rides roughshod over the state legislature. The Gov just ignores clemency requests and signs whatever the legislature coughs up during the 140 days every two years that they convene (not counting special sessions).

Which baggage is that?

A narrative started in the 1990's that she was evil? Not divorcing her husband when he was impeached for something that was for all practical purposes none of your fucking business? E-mails? Pizza places? Having people die on her watch as SoS? Not having frank and beans for genitals?*


Or maybe self partnering means the person is not looking for another person to complete them. Single always seems to be presented as an opportunity to be hit on.


Corporate sure as heck can fire franchisees for that kind of stuff.  McDonalds will take back franchises for tarnishing the rep of the golden arches.

Or give each manager 5 to send in during key points in the game.

Lighten up Francis.

It just shows AB was willing to do anything to leave the Raiders...

So double murder was next if it didn’t work?  

Well, that’s how they knew he wouldn’t make any “rash movements”


I can just add more blinker fluid to the blinker fluid reservoir if I don’t have time to get a new bulb?

Any idea if they are burying the Colin Kaepernick/Eric Reid money in there?  I know other reporting is around the 10 million dollar mark.  But that can’t be true can it?

“I’ll be in my bunk” Adam Baldwin

I suspect we’ll get some old characters “reprogrammed/ or are they?”to come after Delores and crew. Kind of a cold war battle.

On a side note, have those books held up?  I read them in high school.

You sir won the Internet back in 1986.

Game Theory Optimal says 30 BB is a FOLD, GTO at 22 blinds is a call. The “if you were going to call 17, you’d call 22" line was the real problem. As a petty person (pretty much every poker player ever has thier moments) I’d be making that dealer count out my opponents for the rest of her shift.