Hahaha that’s awesome. :)
Hahaha that’s awesome. :)
constant accusations of night-dancing and crop-sabotage leveled at Trump by Goody Pritchard
Next you’re going to see Jay Sekulow attempt to insist that when Trump was referring to a “witch hunt” it had nothing to do with the special counsel’s activities and was actually in response to the constant accusations of night-dancing and crop-sabotage leveled at Trump by Goody Pritchard.
“As far as the people that were injured, it’s an absolute shame,’’ she continued. “You just want them to recover. Fortunately, the guy was a really bad shot. Liberals can’t even shoot straight.”
Mr. Werner tried to do two sleep studies in his late teens and early twenties for insomnia, and the technicians were rude and pissy that he couldn’t fall asleep. They accused him of not following the preparation directions. He was there to deal with the fact that he was chronically unable to fall asleep, and they…
He (and yes, I am using he) probably keeps admonishing them to “be rational”.
Short Creek is a pretty good example of how the FLDS plays. They own the police forces, utility services, and county officials in and around their compounds. Non-FLDS are pushed out or prevented from buying homes. Leaders collect heavy tithes from the working men and women of the town and also scam off government aid…
I think his brain got jammed on receiving a sensationalist newscast in 1987.
So remember how ‘urban’ has been a dog whistle for ‘black’ for a really long time. And remember how people told us to take Trump seriously but not literally?
That is so specific of a flashback, it feels like thou doth project too much.
Oh my god, she is perfect.
Oh, boy, the Fyre Festival of urban housing.
I think it’s a great thing that The Color Purple is more closely associated with the black actors than the white director.
No it’s not. But I think people forget how many movies he’s made. I don’t think Banks didn’t consider The Color Purple because Whoopi Goldberg is black, but because nobody remembers that he directs non-giant adventure movies or historical war movies. (Which is why Sugarland Express isn’t getting any play in this…
I’ve seen The Color Purple multiple times and even I forgot Steven Spielberg directed that one. It’s so closely associated with Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey and blackness in general that the white director kinda gets forgotten, at least in the circles I’m in.
The point that Steven Spielberg directs far, far, far more movies about men than women seems fair.
The only party snacks worth your time are the ones presented by 70s Dinner Party.
I did some research on IMDB.
What do these movies/shows have in common?: Okja, The OA, Moonlight, Selma, The Normal Heart, Eat Pray Love,
Brad Pitt was an executive producer on all of them and he wasn’t in the cast.
Can you imagine Tom Cruise producing something and saying, “That’s OK, I don’t have to be the star.”