
Yeah I’m gonna need some essays on that. Mental health professionals, please get to it.

Can someone please compile all of the statements he has made about women bleeding? I am noticing a very disturbing pattern that has to have some kind of psychological explanation.

As a driver, this is my second-worst fear, killing/badly injuring someone else. My sympathies to the couple involved and also to Venus. I have to wonder, though—they really got in there quickly with their wrongful death suit. Could the fact that a wealthy, famous athlete was involved in the collision have something

Lawsuit sounds like a money grab. Report I saw was Venus got stuck in an intersection and then the light turned red, Barson proceeded to blow through the intersection and T-bone her.

If you look at the election from a restricted, top down, electoral map only perspective, it’s easy to convince yourself that the country must becoming more Conservative. That is a lot of red, after all. To an ad agency, conservative eyeballs are just as valuable as liberal ones, and if you think there are more of them

I really do not understand why mainstream / liberal networks continue to bend over backwards to court conservatives. Between this hot garbage and CNN continuing to place the most ludicrous conservative voices on Anderson Cooper 360... I hate to look at “trusted” news anymore.

Greta is a terrible interviewer. She interrupts at the wrong places and seems to have her jaw wired shut. She couldn’t spot a logic error if her life depended on it. She also is quietly racist, making the occasional snide comment that makes me think that after a few glasses of bourbon and a cigar she will go on about

It drives me up a fucking wall every time some Republican talks about “the free market” solving healthcare and ISN’T FUCKING CHALLENGED by any of the reasonable himan being around them.

They don’t care. I’ve said this in many a comment but it bears repeating - My father is a Trump supporter. My husband is a cancer survivor. What do you think my father said to me when I told him how worried I was about the Republican plan to eliminate the ACA? “Get over it or move to Canada.” My own father. He looked

Right, like Republican voters are the epitome of health and nutrition and exercise. I mean they lost their shit when Michelle Obama wanted to teach kids about healthy eating.

I really miss Obama and how much dignity and grace he and Michelle had when they were insulted. Frankly, they had some horrific and awful things said about them.

This is not Ted Cruz, it’s a New Republican intern getting cred for his reptilian overlord.

As someone who had a baby 7 months ago, it’s so we can commiserate with how much damage your baby inflicted on the way out. And I say this as a person who had a baby in the 50th percentile for height and weight and had a c-section. When I get a birth announcement for a 10 lbs baby, I know to be gentler than normal.

It seems to me, a woman, that getting a sunburn on one’s penis would hurt a great deal, and am unsure why you would risk such a thing.

I think this image is kind of more to to-the-point:

I was travelling back from a music festival in Spain when number 7 came out, and I ran to the nearest bookshop in Barcelona to get a copy in the super small window between my train from Benicassim and flight back to London. Totally worth it though, managed to get through half of it in the 2 hours before i touched down

This is a photo of a Hanukkah present that one of my old bosses gave me. He and I talked about HP all the time, and he said that he thought this looked like a Horcrux, and obviously even though I’m a Hufflepuff, I need one of those.

I met JK Rowling at the New York book signing where she revealed Dumbledore was gay. My signed 7th book is one of my greatest possessions.