
President Camacho would be a vast improvement over our current POTUS.

Well considering our current president has a raccoon on a roller ball where his brains should be

Perfect gif is perfect

I think Kate looks like she’s in a period drama about WWII. Someone is going to make a brave stiff-upper lip speech about victory gardens. But I kind of like it....

Does this mean I finally won’t keep seeing “follow Pippa’s wedding diet plan to lose ten pounds in two weeks!” Articles I’ve been seeing every time I’m forced to open internet explorer at work? It is not her fault at all, but damn was it obnoxious to see those everyday!

Dwayne, a half full tube of toothpaste could beat donald trump right now. Let’s not get hasty.

I’ve read that this is actually Trump’s choice. Some body language expert surmised that hand holding comes off looking like a unit or couple and he doesn’t want to hold her hand because he wants everyone to know that he, alone, is president. He needs to come off as an alpha man because it makes him look like he holds

omg, this is a recurring thing?

His wife even refuses to touch him

Apparently, they’re on it:

There is a 0% chance that 45 doesn’t say something totally insane, even for him, on this trip. It is going to be long, boring, and he won’t be able to go golfing. He is going to be grouchy as a baby on a roadtrip with a dirty diaper.

Daytime. Velvet. In. May. WTF. The internet tells me it’s 5pm and 74 degrees over there right now. Too hot for velvet.

I’m disappointed that Rosie is telling people to be nice to Ivanka. Yes, it is shitty to be Disgusting Daddy’s favorite, I’m sure. He gives off definite psychological incest vibes, and I hope he never acted on his interests. However, Ivanka is a married, adult woman who was handed a shitload of money and power and is

If it weren’t so fucking horrifying, this shit would be hilarious..

Cannes: We are a CLASSY festival for celebrating film


They identify as a genderqueer non-rapist, but they may have straight, consent-fluid sexual interactions.

And yet Happy Endings got axed after two seasons. There is no justice in the tv world.

I’d like to add also c.) they’re oddly conservative, so they enjoy laughing at “loser nerds” because apparently being educated is being a loser. I’ve run across a lot of BBT fans who seem to get off on laughing at the characters like a bully would.