
Literally everything they say, I’m like:

I work as a secretary for a school (K-6th) today we received the President’s Education Award Certificates. Signed by trump and Betsy Grizzly Adams Devos. There was a bright sheet of paper attached stating “We are unable to provide letters of congratulations at this time” or some bullshit. Basically printed out

Oh, I’m sorry — I must have been unclear. :( That he fired Comey and why is very important. Sunkist Hitler’s random neural firings about whether he taped his phone or dinner conversations with Comey is much less so, though. Everyone, even his most ardent supporters, knows by now that he’s a fraud and a liar, and

Trump loves to brag, he loves to be right, he loves that big feeling of winning. If his tax returns were really completely clear of any Russian pay-offs, he’d have printed them out as soon as he won the election and posted them on giant billboards all over the USA saying “LOOK AT MY TAX RETURNS!!! I WAS RIGHT!”.

Trump really isn’t that smart. He’s not engineering stories to distract people from other stuff he’s doing. He never expected firing Comey to be this controversial. You are giving him way too much credit.

Are you kidding? Give me a three-month-old any day. They stay in car seats, they do not get lost on elevators, they do not criticize you. I could go on forever.

I know Barack is constrained by the tradition that former presidents don’t talk sh*t about how the current president is doing....

women are making this nation worth saving

My excuse for everything from now on:

I love the “very active president” comment. What the hell has he accomplished outside of Executive Orders that he has never read? He installed a TV and Tivo so he can yell at the news? Jesus this is sad.

Ugh. Every day he reminds me more and more of my horrible, awful, no good, very bad former boss.

I liked the “don’t make me pull this car over right now” tweet that followed:

ha ha ha I feel like I am going mad. Trump asked Comey to pledge his loyalty in a dinner where supposedly his job (Comey’s) was on the line. Remember when the conservatives and the media were in full storm mode because Bill Clinton said hello to Attorney Lynch? ha ha h ah ah ah ha ha gaaaahhhh

Threatening Comey while also hinting he may just cancel press briefings in their entirety today. Jesus titty fucking Christ.

It’s unfortunate that he doesn’t have microwaves throughout the White House.

I didn’t know TiVo was still a thing. Pretty hung up on that...

Want to know more about our President? How about this:

This is a White House tour?