
It definitely counts, especially when unsolicited in every possible way (meaning you hadn’t shown him any interest). Especially because it sounds like he also worked in the fitness industry (?), he probably thought he was the prize all women should covet — and do whatever is necessary to rise to his standards.

Worst thing a guy’s told me when he’s not interested: “I don’t think I could ever like you as much as you like me right now.”

My high school boyfriend, after I initiated the break up conversation, told me he had been praying and receiving signs that we shouldn’t be together anyway. Which would be one thing if he just meant praying and then feeling strongly (like meditating might give someone clarity), but, no, he told me he would literally

Maybe we should start a kickstarter to buy him a belt.

Also, “And she’s 5-foot-2, so she can’t be a runway model, but I think she’s really beautiful and is prettier than anyone I’ve dated.”

I was going to say the same thing, but they interviewed her matchmaker-mother for the article, so I’m guessing she knows his true feelings and doesn’t care. Maybe it’s because of his muscular build and full head of hair. She just feels so lucky and doesn’t want to risk letting all that go.

Only balding men use that term, otherwise there would be no reason to bring it up.

dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity

Also, Hot Woman, thank you for this!

His definition of “full head of hair” is pretty loose.

No, they can’t. There are federal rules about voting in reality shows with a cash prize. You can’t re-shoot a voting scene. Cut everything out before the vote and the rumors will get out. This way zeke had as much control over the narrative as was possible after being outed.

Let’s not lie here people. I understand we all want to be “PC” or whatever… But its time to get real.

This totally sucks and also quick question:

And they still had on the same shit they had on at the club.

They’ll be playing “skins vs blouses” in heaven tonight. :’(

“They were good pancakes too”

RIP, Charlie! I know when you get to heaven, Prince will welcome you with open arms. And pancakes!

Whaaaaa? Sad surprising news, didn’t know he was ill.

Back in the early 90s, I was at a dinner party (all gay men) and we were playing a who-would-you-rather game. Someone posed the hypothetical: sex with John John or dinner with Jackie. Naturally, most jumped at sex with John John. I instantly said DINNER WITH JACKIE!

Who didn’t? Did you see him in the 90's? Jackie wanted to give him that O and I don’t blame her.