
“I don’t favor cutting NIH or Centers for Disease Control. You’re much more likely to die in a pandemic than a terrorist attack, and so that’s part of the defense of the country as well.”

Sweet buttery Jesus, that show is awesome!

Richard’s Traveling Man is wonderful

Wait a damn minute!

1) Completely redoing your constitutional model is not easy. Why haven’t we Americans gotten rid of the electoral college? It’s anti-democracy, after all. Having a queen with no formal power is less anti-democratic than having Presidential canidates get over 2 million more votes and still lose. Changing things is

I feel more guilty for snickering at this casual bombshell:

I have often wondered what will happen. I don’t want her to go. She’s the last of her kind.

That awful song with the line “your roommate back in Boulder” (?) is theirs. I couldn’t stand it but still managed to hear it at least once a day for at least 3 months.

Your director was the dumbest motherf**ker I’ve ever heard of. In no way should that decision ever have been placed on either of you. Ever.

I have a horrific and completely irrational fear of flying. I even take the ambien on short two hour flights. For some reason it knocks me out, but when we land “blam” I am wide awake and refreshed. I think it has to do with the fact that my anxiety levels are so through the roof that when we land my body gets

I always pack my own snacks... Am I weird? Is that wrong? I get paranoid about not having food on hand at all times since I’m a type 1 diabetic but I also thought most people pack a snack for the plane. Now I’m wondering if I’m the crazy one...

Bobby I learned my “You take it, I insist” lesson my senior year of high school. I was auditioning for the lead role in the school play and the director couldn’t decide between another girl and myself and asked us to work it out. She got in first with “You really deserve it” to which I replied “No you do”,

Personally I think it’s shit you would’ve had to pay for the box ANYWAYS, since it was a mechanical problem and that’s all on the airline.

The poor dude is already sitting in the fucking middle seat. My aisle seat is a million times better than that. He can have the Crunch box.

Neither of my options are available. So in order, I would have a. been sitting in first where these peasant problems are not an issue and b. politely mentioned to the stewardess that she skipped our rows when she skipped them - instead of waiting.

I take Devon Sawa Updates very seriously, Shelwood. I have done my research!! But because of your interest, have a Devon Sawa Bonus Update! Devon also maintains a similarly relatable Instagram, where he shares photos of interesting food and of his two almost-normally named children! Gently humorous captions abound!

Anytime I see a CMM mention, it’s a slow gossip day. What’s Devon Sawa up to? Can we check in on him instead?

He looks like on of those people who will either smell magical - like moonbeams and woodsmoke - or awful - like a burlap sack of wet dead kittens.

Hot off the presses! The girl two cubicles over just had Botox and is telling people she’s just drinking more water and getting more sleep.