She kills that verse, steals the entire song (which has Kanye, Jay Z, and Rick Ross on it), and you say she's not a real rapper? Crazy.
She kills that verse, steals the entire song (which has Kanye, Jay Z, and Rick Ross on it), and you say she's not a real rapper? Crazy.
I'm gay, I can use the word faggot all I want. That was kind of my point.
"scared" to? No. Don't see the point to? Yes. I don't think anyone is going to come get me if I do but if I wouldn't feel comfortable saying it in real life I'm not going to say it online either.
Literally only in situations like this where we're talking about the word itself, or when quoting someone. You're right, saying it in any other context is just as bad, but even if you try to avoid the word there are some situations where you have to confront the word. When given the option between "the n-word" and The…
Listen to her verse on Monster and tell me she's not a real rapper. She has talent, she just doesn't use it much.
Actually that's only a recent transformation. 2010 Nicki was awesome and one of the best rappers around at the time. I guess she lost it with fame
I actually disagree with that. I don't think saying "n-word" is nearly as bad as saying The N-Word. Yes, it means the same thing, but, for me, the action of actively avoiding the word basically says "I'm white and I totally don't get this word. I don't understand its power or really why I'm not allowed to use it, but…
The characters don't have to either be 100% or 0% opacity. That wasn't laziness, just a design choice. I forget their names but the buildings behind her face look fine but the building in his eye is kind of poor composition-wise.
Yeah you're right, but he's not exactly going after people who can put 2 and 2 together.
Those were my favorite ones. I mean it's obvious that he knows which side supports which cause, but when he mixes it up like that he's going to get tons of hate from idiots on both sides.
The "joke" isn't in the tweets themselves, it's in the hundreds of awful responses he got from stupid people.
Most of the people I follow on twitter are hilarious writers, most of which can only be found on twitter. Through them I usually pick up on what's going on pretty quickly.
The attempt to mass label people into groups is a human trait, not a leftist trait. I don't mind being placed in the group labeled "the gays" as long as I'm also placed in the many other groups I reside in (the Americans, the college kids, the whites, the males, the computer engineers, the non religious, the Kanye…
Right, except if I lean (far, faaar) left in 90% of cases it's much easier to say that I'm a democrat than to list all of the issues I'm for or against.
I think it's pretty obvious that republicans "don't care" about gay people, non-christians, and poor minorities. Or at least that they don't care about those people as much as rich or middle class white people in traditional families.
I don't worry about it, it doesn't bother/disturb me and they have every right to do it. But making fun of people who make MLP ff/ erotic cartoons/ 9/11 memorials with one of the ponies crying next to the burning towers is also ok, because it's all just so laughable.
It's more the fact that people make erotic fanfictions and cartoon drawings of the horses having sex. For me it's definitely that.
Thick rimmed glasses can look pretty good on the right person. Fedoras as well, the only thing is that the "right person" for a fedora is living in the 1940's. Young white men's rights activists will never be the right person for a fedora.
My fashion sense isn't great. Compared to the other gay guys I hang out with I'm definitely not up to par with my people when it comes to raw ability to put together a great outfit. But at least I recognize this, and I dress simply because at least I can look good in a v-neck and shorts compared to trying to…
I feel like this show needs to get out to people who don't think they are meant to be watching it. Like I just commented on the main thread that I wished this show was on fox or nbc because straight white males SHOULD be watching it, maybe they'll learn something.