
This show needs to be on FOX or something to show middle america the level they need to get on. That "The New Normal" shit doesn't cut it anymore.

What? Isn't it pretty clear that it's set in New York?

Yeah it makes the show sound trashier and dumber than it is. But still worth watching regardless!

Lmao at boobs equaling "vulgarity". But really, watch past the first episode, I barely even remember any more nudity after that.

Have you seen it?

Every photo in every big magazine is heavily photoshopped. It may seem like a broad generalization but it's true.

I actually say go the opposite way. Make it cheesy and fun with a story that doesn't take itself seriously at all, since they're obviously not very good at it.

Watching and liking the show is totally fine. But when your gatherings look like this I'm going to laugh and not feel bad about it. I'm in college, taking tons of computer science classes... I see these types of guys all the time and if they like MLP enough to show it off they're usually creepy and super socially

I don't know, sometimes I can enjoy a game and get my $60 worth out of it before I beat it, and can be satisfied that I'm "done". Like RDR, I got about 70% through it and playing it more felt like work instead of play anymore. I had a good time, I'm glad I played it, but I don't really need to finish it.

Because I'm gay and the gay dating world is waay different than the straight dating world although I'm familiar with both.

"Have you not seen the episode of the office where Brent goes on that date? Urgh. And stuff like that is based HEAVILY on real life."

Well I don't have it "decide" for me, but I do apply filters so that I only see what I want to see in my city. It makes dating much faster, knowing whether you're going to like the person before your first date.

GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony was one of the most intelligent and nuanced games I've ever played. Almost all of the GTA games have complex characters and fantastic writing. The gameplay is mostly just blowing stuff up, but that's not what I, or any of my friends, play it for.

Lmao it's 2013, no longer just desperate people are meeting online. It's easier, faster, and sometimes does all of the filtering for you to help you find your type. If you aren't an idiot you won't meet up with a psycho. Just go eat at some public place first and you can decide whether or not they're safe to go home

Your arguments here don't really make any sense. There are two different scenarios in play here. The first is the phone sex line numbers in a video game. Naughty dog didn't mean for there to be phone sex line numbers in the game. So they took them out of the game. Not because they didn't want anyone on earth to see

I think it's more about whether you want the stick to control the camera's position or it's point of interest. Regular = POI control, inverted = position control. Both make complete sense if you think of it like that.

Some of these are very cool looking, but none of them would look anything but tacky as shit once they're added to your entertainment center.

Oh yeah that's wrong, I didn't even read that comment. Then again we're all going off of rumors and old trailers and stuff so this could have all changed.

I'm pretty sure the point is that she has psychic powers, which I think would make her extremely useful to a spec ops team.

Why does the video player run at like 15 fps?