
"I can throw it twice that far."

More than some self shot, more than that picture of you with a six foot bong, this bit of cyber social media is gonna bite him in the ass later.

I think it because of something seasonal because I don't understand year over year comparisons.

Inflating batting statistics across the league and creating fan distrust, Carlos Marmol has also been determined to be materially detrimental to baseball in general.

I went to the wood to live deliberately and have a place to stash my guns.

If this is a joke I laughed out loud.

I wish I had four hands.

Merriam-Webster thesaurus "Scores: poaches....."

Did the Angels change their name again? LA Angeles of Anaheim Senior Center?

The STL Rams told me different.

So it's settled, Los Angeles gets the short end of the stick when dealing with St. Louis.

"Alex left this bottle of ibprofren in his Tampa locker, and it really helped with my quad."

I didn't want Texas to feel left out, so I left the pot on the couch.

[Scans couch]

I know, right?

@JoseCanseco @WestcoastAuth -.25 inches from original diameter #BallSize

If he times this poorly, he may end up missing two crownings this weekend.

"You'll just have imagine the playoffs."

Hopefully it's a player that is easy to recall.

Oh and Mike, it's called narcolepsy and it's nothing to be a...Mike.. Mike...