
So these geniuses are following the movement so closely that they are noticing riots that never happened, analyzing the accuracy of various catch phrases and the backgrounds of the deceased, and yet in all their lives they are so hopelessly unaware of the civil rights movement in this country that they can’t

If a life well-lived is measured in the effect one has on the people they leave behind, then it’s clear that Alan Rickman’s time here was well-spent.

The United States: A country without a single public museum dedicated to the history of slavery, but numerous museums and memorials dedicated to the glorification of slavers.

Or, you know, look at a goddamn picture.

OMG, what the fuck is wrong with people? Has anyone clued these people into the fact that “Reverse racism” ISN’T A THING

Ha, I didn’t even notice that. I just thought “homone” was especially hilarious when it came just after talking about a “gay gene”

Sex determination and inheritance are completely different biological processes. They are ruled by different parts of the genetic code. Every human has the capacity to be a different sex in the womb so therefore, a man can be born in a woman’s body and a woman can be born in a mans. Caitlyn Jenner did not choose to be

Rachel, sweetheart: you’re self-absorbed, you’re in love with the sound of your own voice, you steal things from black people and claim them as your own, and you tell black people what to think. I’d say QUITE A FEW things about being white describe who you are PERFECTLY. Shit, you sued Howard for reverse racism, which

Reposting, because fuck this noise:

Sounds like she did do some good stuff for the black community, but the fact that she lied for so long irrevocably undermines her credibility, and potentially undoes any work she did. You can build a gorgeous mansion, but if you build it on a crumbling foundation, all that work and investment is for nothing.

I can’t wait for the “she did good in the black community” crowd to migrate from Gawker to Jezebel.

But but transgender and transracial both have the word trans in it so transracial must be acceptable right? Right??

I’m Black and have hung around white people with mostly Black friends before. They don’t wear wigs and nap up their hair texture and say they are wearing their hair “natural.” They don’t darken their skin 4 shades and keep it that way (god knows how) all year long. They don’t claim Black people who they aren’t related

You don’t know my life!!!

I believe she may be mentally ill.

Do you have a uterus? Cuz I know I don’t have balls.