
Sorry to presume you didn’t know. You can stretch it without a pick. I’m sure you know about binding and all that... I like my fro a little less uniform. I’m sure your wash and go is beautimous.

Girl, what I won’t let you do is lose your hair to a comb. Use conditioner and water. Only comb your hair when there’s enough “slip” to avoid breakage. We don’t have hair that should be combed dry or even with a fine tooth comb all the time. Try finger combing, a shower comb and a wide tooth comb to avoid breakage.

I think the thing she really needs to realize is that even if they accepted a drink or drugs from anyone, having sex with them after they’re incapacitated makes him a rapist.

It is overwhelming to be black in america. I have few words to describe the grief and it is everyday and constant from the poorest neighborhoods to the singular black executive. I’m moving to the only state with a minority white population so that my child will not have to grow up in an environment where after her

I absolutely love this message of, “it’s ok to hate black people just not in public” and the idea that challenging that hate is so taboo that politicians are loathe to.

I see you one “homone” and raise you a “legimitate”.

She was married to a black man. There are pictures of her and her family at her wedding. White parents, adopted siblings and her black husband. She wasn’t trying to pass then.

Raven Simone?

I fear for her mental stability in the aftermath of this attention. She straight up believes she’s black.

All human brains start out as female until the introduction of hormones influences the maleness or femaleness of the brain and genitalia. The lack of the proper dose of hormones or their improper absorption can be attributed to not only chemical differences in cases of transgender people but also hermaphroditic people.

Do you have a uterus? Cuz I know I don’t have balls.

All human brains start out as female until the introduction of hormones influences the maleness or femaleness of the brain and genitalia. The lack of the proper dose of hormones or their improper absorption can be attributed to not only chemical differences in cases of transgender people but also hermaphroditic

A full ride scholarship? Ok, see this is when I stop laughing. If that scholarship was meant for the typically underprivileged, opportunity deprived, education seeking black student and she 1)accepted it

Wait, did Angela Davis get bamboozled too?

This shit is HILARIOUS!

She was divorced and then started the transformation. I would imagine that she was reacting to rejection from her ex and possibly his black friends and family and this is her emotional, racially confused response. To assume an identity other than her own.

Jesus, it just dawned on me. People who are clearly racist are trying to convince us that racism no longer exists and that their white skin privilege is “nothing to see here”.

Happens to me all me the time. Typically with the educated white women I befriend who lull me into a false sense of security through years of friendship until BAM!

I am starting to be irritated by iZombie writing. How much longer does she think she can keep Major in the dark? It’s insulting and irritating to watch.

Gotcha, but doesn’t the presence of any urine at all, which only comes out of the Urethra, exclude the possibility that whatever ‘squirted’ came from the Vaginal opening?