Sobchak Security

Just don’t you fuck with us in the Tainter’s Union. Stay in your lane.

And yet the Democrats, in their apparently bottomless well of incompetence and reluctancy, they decry such movements as “too left,” they say “that’s too much money,” they pull in union money only to fund campaigns that then turn to corporation and their lobbyists and special interests.

Excuse me, it’s not called neo-feudalism. It’s called the sharing economy. We all get to share the jobs of serving our rich overlords’ every whim.

Neofeudalism is in full swing. The rich and therefore powerful are taking more from the poor and making them feel bad about it by calling them lazy or untrained or genetically inferior. Whatever works to keep their power. Until people realize that this new gilded age will never come to them and that brass ring will

Can you explain your comment a bit? Because I’d genuinely love to understand the cognitive process behind how you entertained and then developed that thought.

The Republican party is the most effective terrorist organization in the world.

That was always a lie, and that their supporters still believe and parrot it just goes to show how fucking stupid they are.


Way2go w/ that small government!

Jesus Christ. If you can’t afford to pay your workers $10/hour in 2017, you shouldn’t be in business. Full stop.

Will there be no end to this Republican fuckery?

This whole thing is going to hold Trump’s attention for approximately 2 more days. By this time next week he will have forgotten about it completely and, when someone mentions it, he’ll be like “Yeah, that hurricane was a mess. If Obama had been in office it would have been a real disaster. Thank God I led the best

Trump’s domestic strategy is literally a non-stop string of Fox-viewing Archie Bunker reactions. Even of actions he should personally own, like FEMA responses and national concern.

Sup Sergei

OK there Vlad.

It goes without saying that were Hillary Clinton president and even ever simply jaywalked, she’d be impeached, by now.

One thing I do take enjoyment from in all of this horrid nightmare, is how Republicans have shown that they will even gladly piss on the grave of St. Ronnie if it gets them what they want.

There was a time when trying to do a deal in Russia like this would have been automatically disqualifying for any prospective Presidential candidate, even absent any corruption allegations.

It’s hard to resist posting this one on every Trump related article. I’m still on my season end high, so fuck it...

It’s things like this that make it harder and hard to believe that Trump wasn’t colluding with the Russians.