Sobchak Security

But maybe an environment where job security is all but certain (as you grant) results in some misaligned incentives and/or performance issues? And maybethere are areas where we have 3 people doing the job of 1? Like just because you fix roads doesn’t mean you’re good at fixing roads. Maybe you’re terrible at your job

Its funny that people don’t think Mueller already has his tax returns. Mueller has already been working with the IRS for a while now. The IRS undoubtedly is balls deep in his returns. Shit, the IRS is probably balls deep in what specific brand of tape he uses on his ties. Deutsche Bank is releasing info on Trump too.

But if you think the DMV is efficient, imagine it it ran your hospitals.

Yes, I realize that. Its wrong though. Companies can do that now. There are plenty of other countries with a lower corporate tax rate than the US. But they don’t because it adds to their overhead and increases their COGs. Companies who don’t choose to do that undercut the ones who do and they come out on top.

Yeah, we shouldn’t raise corporate taxes. IMO they’re just where they need to be. Any higher and we’ll have trouble, and any lower industries like affordable housing that relies on tax credits will get neutered.


If only…

That’s an excellent article, with one caveat. Its something a lot of people frequently overlook.

I think you’re confusing knowing what you’re talking about with not knowing what you’re talking about.

None of that changes the fact that we are the world’s most powerful economy. None of that changes our demand.

I boggles my mind that people think we should be pussy footing around the rich. Like they’re all going to up and leave their homes, families, jobs, assets and ways of life.

The wealthy have options to avoid paying US tax should tax rates on them go up and the government, both Democrat and Republican, are aware of that.

I don’t know that its necessarily really an obsession with debt though. I think its more an obsession with “big gubmint” that they view as lazy and ineffective. For the most part, whenever I get into a discussion about debt, it usually ends up being more about how the government shouldn’t be giving money to people who

Yeah, because people who work for the government don’t serve in the military protect you, take us to the moon, work on all your roads, sewers and sidewalks, run your libraries and schools, staff the CDC, take care of our parks or put out fires. They’re all lazy.

Ah. Misappropriated then. New Yorkers actually thought that the #BodegaStrike was a little silly. People from Yemen run delis, not bodegas. Her comment was in specific reference to that strike several years ago and I’m not sure how that hashtag originated.

lol Do companies pay personal income taxes now? Or are you whiffing on the point there chief?

Holy shit. I do. I had that reversed in my head.

lol Is that what I said? Show me where I fucking said that you stupid hick.

She’s perfectly calm too.

The bad: Mostly all of it.